Information page of the Head of Consumer Rights Protection Division National Bank of Tajikistan
14 March 2025,Friday

04.05.2017 Global Money Week in Tajikistan

With the view of strengthening of population trust to banking system, improvement of financial literacy of the population and expansion of their possibility on increase of financial responsibility and protection of financial services consumers at the initiative of NBT Banking System Services Consumers Rights Protection Division in cooperation of the credit institutions of the country,...

15.03.2016 Global Money Week for children and youth is held in the republic

This is a second day of Global Money Week for children and youth being held in the republic at the initiative of the National Bank of Tajikistan in cooperation with credit institutions of the country during which a financial literacy of children, youth and clients will improve.

21.12.2015 Meeting with staff of exchange bureaus

During the NBT visiting day for citizens on December 19, current year the First Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan Mr.Jamoliddin Nuraliev has held a meeting with 60 employees of exchange bureaus of credit institutions. For last two weeks it is the second meeting held by the NBT management with employees of exchange bureaus.

08.12.2015 The credit institutions - on population services

There are functioning 124 credit institutions, including 17 banks, 1 non bank credit institutions, 106 micro financial institutions, 39 microcredit deposit institutions, 31 microcredit institutions, 36 microcredit funds, 432 branches, 1233 banking servicing center and 1 802 money transfer center providing to services population today, in republic’s cities and districts.

20.11.2015 Established Advisory council of Central banks on consumer protection

On November 12-13, 2015 constituent meeting of the Advisory council of the Central (National) banks on consumer protection has taken place in Astana by the initiative of the Central Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

30.10.2015 Division- Protector of banking services customer rights

Protection of financial services customer’s rights with lowering of poorness, supporting access of population to banking system services and growth of small and medium enterprises is one of priority issues of the Republic of Tajikistan.

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