

04.12.2024 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA.

29.11.2024 Plenary Week of the Eurasian Group on Combating Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism

From November 25 to 29 of this year, the 41st plenary meeting of the Eurasian Group (EAG) on Combating Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism was held in Indore, India.



16.10.2024 The “International List” has been updated

The “International List” of individuals convicted of crimes of terrorist nature has been changed.

07.10.2024 The “International List” has been updated

The “International List” of individuals convicted of crimes of terrorist nature has been changed.


10.09.2024 The “International List” has been updated

A list of individuals convicted of crimes of terrorist nature has been added to the “International List”.

20.08.2024 The “International List” has been updated

A list of individuals convicted of crimes of terrorist nature has been added to the “International List”.

15.08.2024 CLPC/FT/FPWMD Training Course

From August 7 to 9 of this year, on initiative of the Training-Methodical Center of the Financial Monitoring Department under the National Bank of Tajikistan, a subsequent training course was conducted at the training center of the National Bank of Tajikistan located in the city of Guliston. This course focused on combating (legalization) of proceeds of crime, financing of terrorism and financing of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (CLPC/FT/FPWMD) for representatives of financial credit organizations in the region.


From July 24-26, 2024, the Training and Methodological Center of the Financial Monitoring Department under the National Bank of Tajikistan (Department) organized a training course at the Kulob



26.06.2024 Regional Training on Criminal Investigations of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Cases Involving Virtual Assets

Employees of the Financial Monitoring Department under the National Bank of Tajikistan took part in the regional training of the Council of Europe on criminal investigations of money laundering and terrorist financing using virtual assets on June 12-13, 2024 in Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan. 

22.06.2024 Update of national list

National list of legal entites who connected with terrorism by Republic of Tajikistan decision was updated.

23.05.2024 Training seminar on CLPC/FT/FPWMD for law enforcement representatives

On May 17, 2024, the Financial Monitoring Department under the National Bank of Tajikistan held a training seminar on combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime, financing of terrorism and financing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (CLPC/FT/FPWMD) for law enforcement representatives.

26.04.2024 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA.

29.03.2024 The “International List” has been updated

A list of individuals convicted of crimes of terrorist nature has been added to the “International List”.

27.02.2024 The “International List” has been updated

A list of individuals convicted of crimes of terrorist nature has been added to the “International List”.

27.02.2024 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA

31.01.2024 Update of national list

National list of persons, connected with terrorism was updated.

11.01.2024 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA.

08.01.2024 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA.


15.11.2023 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA.




24.07.2023 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA.

05.06.2023 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA.



27.04.2023 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA.

21.04.2023 The “International List” has been updated

A list of individuals convicted of crimes of terrorist nature has been added to the “International List”.



16.03.2023 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA.


03.02.2023 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA.

30.01.2023 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA.

17.01.2023 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA.


25.11.2022 On 37th Plenary Meeting of the Eurasian Group on Anti-Money Laundering and Combating Terrorism Financing (EAG)

From November 21 to 25, 2022, the 37th Plenary meeting of the Eurasian Group on anti-money laundering and combating terrorism financing (EAG) was held in Dushanbe.

24.11.2022 The Forum of Representatives of the Relevant Committees of the Parliament of the Member Countries of the Eurasian Group was held in Dushanbe

On November 23, 2022, as part of the 37th plenary meeting of the Eurasian Group on Combating Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism (EAG), Dushanbe hosted the first forum of representatives of the parliaments of the EAG member countries.



17.06.2022 -


30.05.2022 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA.

04.04.2022 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

On May 27, 2022 the Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA.

09.03.2022 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

On March 7, 2022 the Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA.



25.01.2022 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA.

18.01.2022 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA.

05.01.2022 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA.

31.12.2021 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA.



30.12.2021 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA.

22.12.2021 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA.

24.11.2021 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA




25.06.2021 Update of national list

National list of persons, connected with terrorism was updated.

18.06.2021 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA.

08.04.2021 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA






12.10.2020 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA.



17.07.2020 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA

06.07.2020 Introducing the Methods of Remote Identification for E-wallets

In connection with the current Covid-19 pandemic, on April 2, 2020, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) published a statement aimed at supporting the proper implementation of risk-based approaches. This statement indicates that the activities against legalization (laundering) of criminal income and financing of terrorism shall not become a barrier for distribution of cash funds between those with highest needs.

05.06.2020 Update of national list

National list of persons, connected with terrorism was updated.

27.05.2020 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA

26.05.2020 Update of national list

National list of persons, connected with terrorism was updated.




20.02.2020 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA.

06.02.2020 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA.


22.01.2020 List established under UNSC resolutions was amended

On 15 January 2020, the Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved amendments to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL (Da’esh) and Al-Qaida


06.01.2020 Security Council Committee concerning Iraq Removes 15 Entities from Its Sanctions List

On 2 January 2020, the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1518 (2003) approved the removal of the following entities from its List of Individuals and Entities subject to the assets freeze set out by paragraphs 19 and 23 of Security Council resolution 1483 (2003) adopted under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations

06.01.2020 List established under UNSC resolution was amended

The Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 2374 approved amendments to the list of individuals and entities associated with Mali.




14.10.2019 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA

09.10.2019 Update of national list

National list of persons, connected with terrorism (individuals) was updated.


19.08.2019 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA.


18.07.2019 List established under UNSC resolution was amended

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 2374 approved amendments to the list of individuals and entities associated with Mali.

22.05.2019 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA.


02.05.2019 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA.


23.04.2019 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA.


18.04.2019 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA.

15.04.2019 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA.

08.04.2019 License of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan on educational activities right

Based on Paragraph 4 of the Plan of realization of “The National Concept on Anti-money Laundering and Combating Terrorism Financing and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction Financing Prevention for 2018-2025” in accordance with the Decision of Management of the National Bank of Tajikistan as of December 7, 2018, №166 the Training Centre of the Financial Monitoring Department was established.

28.03.2019 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA

14.03.2019 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA


01.03.2019 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA.

11.02.2019 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA.




15.01.2019 The next meeting of the Permanent Interdepartmental Commission on AML/CFT/PMDWP

On January 11, 2019 the next meeting of the Permanent Interdepartmental Commission on Anti-money Laundering and Combating Terrorism Financing and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction Financing Prevention (AML/CFT/PWMDFP) (Commission) under the chairmanship of Mr. Vatanzoda M.M., Assistant to President of the Republic of Tajikistan on Legal Affairs – Head of Commission has taken place in the National Bank of Tajikistan.

11.12.2018 Meeting of representatives of Management for Combating the Organized Crime of MIA of the Republic of Tajikistan and Financial Monitoring Department under the NBT

With the view of prevention of crimes connected with legalization of the proceeds, received by criminal way and financing of terrorism (AML/FT) and discussions of questions in the given sphere, a meeting of representatives of the Management for Combating the Organized Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan and Financial Monitoring Department under the National Bank of Tajikistan has taken place in the premises of the abovementioned...

20.11.2018 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA.

20.11.2018 The 29th EAG Plenary Meeting and 12th Meeting of Council of Heads of Financial Intelligence Units of member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States EAG:

The 29th Plenary Meeting and Working teams of the Eurasian Group on Anti-money Laundering and Terrorism Financing have taken place in Minsk (Belarus) from 12 to 16 November, 2018.

13.11.2018 List established under UNSC resolution was supplemented

On 13 November 2018, the Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolution 1518 (2003) approved supplements to the list of individuals and entities associated with Iraq

17.10.2018 The next meeting of the Permanent Interdepartmental Commission on AML/CFT/PMDWP

On October 12, 2018 the next meeting of the Permanent Interdepartmental Commission on Anti-money Laundering and Combating Terrorism Financing and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction Financing Prevention (AML/CFT/PWMDFP) (Commission) under the chairmanship of Mr. Vatanzoda M.M., Assistant to President of the Republic of Tajikistan on Legal Affairs – Head of Commission has taken place in the National Bank of Tajikistan.

16.10.2018 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA.

09.10.2018 NBT and Customs Service under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan in AML/CFT/PWMDFP sphere

On October 4, 2018 training seminar for the representatives of the Custom Service took place by the initiative of the NBT Financial Monitoring Department with the view of extension of effective cooperation between the National Bank of Tajikistan and the Customs Service under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan in Anti-money Laundering and Combating Terrorism Financing and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction Financing Prevention (AML/CFT/PWMDFP) sphere.

05.10.2018 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA

26.09.2018 List established under UNSC resolution was supplemented

On 24 September 2018, the Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolution 1518 (2003) approved supplements to the list of individuals and entities associated with Iraq

19.09.2018 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

On 17 September 2018, the Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1970 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with Libya.

12.09.2018 Participation of delegation of the Republic of Tajikistan at a “face to face” meeting with the EAG appraisers

The 2nd Round of Mutual Evaluation of national system on “Anti-money Laundering and Combating Terrorism Financing and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction Financing Prevention (AML/CFT/PWMDFP)” of the Republic of Tajikistan is held since September, 2017 by the EAG experts.

24.08.2018 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA

15.08.2018 Seminar on AML/CFT/PMDWP for non-commercial institutions

On August 14, 2018 Financial Monitoring Department and Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tajikistan held a joint seminar with participation of representatives of non-commercial institutions on “Anti-money Laundering and Combating Terrorism Financing and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction Financing Prevention (AML/CFT/PWMDFP)” in the premises of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tajikistan.

13.08.2018 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA

09.08.2018 Holding of seminar for lawyers and state notaries on AML/CFT/PMDWP

At the initiative of the Financial Monitoring Department the seminar for the Association of lawyers of the Republic of Tajikistan, lawyers and state notaries on “Anti-money Laundering and Combating Terrorism Financing and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction Financing Prevention (AML/CFT/PWMDFP)” has taken place on August 7, 2018 in the National Bank of Tajikistan.

06.08.2018 The next meeting of the Permanent Interdepartmental Commission on AML/CFT/PMDWP issues

On August 03, 2018 the next meeting of the Permanent Interdepartmental Commission on Anti-money Laundering and Combating Terrorism Financing and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction Financing Prevention (AML/CFT/PWMDFP) (Commission) under the chairmanship of Mr. Vatanzoda M.M., Assistant to President of the Republic of Tajikistan on Legal Affairs has taken place in the National Bank of Tajikistan.

20.07.2018 Meeting of Working Group on preparation of the National Educational Standard on “Economic security”

The next meeting of interagency Working Group on preparation of the educational standard on “Economic security” has taken place on July 19, 2018 in National Bank of Tajikistan.

18.07.2018 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA


19.06.2018 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA.


06.06.2018 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA

04.06.2018 Mutual evaluations of national system on AML/CFT/FPWMD of the Republic of Tajikistan

The meeting of Interdepartmental Working Group on mutual evaluation of national system on Anti-Money Laundering and Combating Terrorism Financing and Financing of Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (AML/CFT/FPWMD) of the Republic of Tajikistan with participation of representatives of...


30.05.2018 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA.





10.05.2018 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA.

19.04.2018 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1970 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with Libya.

13.04.2018 Update of national list

National list of persons, connected with terrorism and extremism was updated.

12.04.2018 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA

30.03.2018 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA.


15.03.2018 List established under UNSC resolution was supplemented

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolution 1591 approved supplements to the list of individuals and entities associated with Sudan.


07.03.2018 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA

21.02.2018 Regular meeting of Permanent Interdepartmental Commission on AML / CFT / PMDWD issues

On February 20, 2018, a regular meeting of the Permanent Interdepartmental Commission (hereinafter referred to as the Commission) on AML/CFT/PMDWD issues was held in the National Bank of Tajikistan under the leadership of Assistant to the President of the Republic of Tajikistan for

19.02.2018 Meeting of experts of “Thomson Reuters” Company with representatives of credit institutions

A meeting of experts of “Thomson Reuters” Company with representatives of credit institutions was held on February 16, 2018 in the National Bank of Tajikistan.

16.02.2018 Lists established under UNSC resolutions were supplemented and changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolution 1718 approved supplements to the list of individuals and entities associated with the DPRK.

The Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolution 2127 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with the Central African Republic.

15.02.2018 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA.

14.02.2018 Preparation for 2nd round of AML/CFT/PWMDFP mutual assessments

During the period from 12 to 14 February, 2018, it was hosted a training for competent authorities and representatives of private sector of the Republic of Tajikistan in the National Bank of Tajikistan in preparation for the forthcoming mission of 

02.02.2018 List established under UNSC resolution was supplemented

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolution 1533 approved supplements to the list of individuals and entities associated with the Democratic Republic of Congo.

02.02.2018 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1970 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with Libya.

26.01.2018 List established under UNSC resolution was supplemented

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolution 1970 approved supplements to the list of individuals and entities associated with Sudan.


18.01.2018 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1970 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with Libya.

16.01.2018 Meeting with representatives of regulated institutions of Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan

On January 12, 2018, it was held the meeting in the National Bank of Tajikistan with representatives of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan as well as reporting organizations of this ministry in order to improve the level of knowledge of experts. These institutions include:


On December 26, 2017 the next meeting of the Permanent Interdepartmental Commission on Anti-money Laundering and Combating Terrorism Financing and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction Financing Prevention (AML/CFT/PWMDFP) under the chairmanship of Mr. Vatanzoda M.M., Assistant to President of the Republic of Tajikistan for Legal Affairs has taken place in the National Bank of Tajikistan.

27.12.2017 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA.

21.12.2017 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolution 2048 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with Guinea-Bissau.

12.12.2017 Meeting with representatives of insurance institutions in the frame of preparation for the 2nd Round of Mutual Assessment of National System on AML/CFT/PMDWP

On December 7, 2017 (in first half of day) in the National Bank of Tajikistan the meeting with representatives of insurance institutions within the preparation of the Republic of Tajikistan for the 2nd Round of Mutual Assessment of...

12.12.2017 Meeting with representatives of credit institutions within preparation for the 2nd Round of a Mutual Assessment of National System on AML/CTF/PMDWPF

The meeting with representatives of credit institutions within the limits of preparation of the Republic of Tajikistan for the 2nd Round of Mutual Assessment of National System on Anti-money Laundering and Combating Terrorism Financing and Prevention of...

29.11.2017 The 27th EAG Plenary Meeting on AML/FT

The 27th Plenary Meeting of EAG on counteraction of legalisation of criminal incomes and terrorism financing (AML/FT) and Working Teams Meetings of the given organization have taken place in Moscow (Russian Federation) on November 21 – 24, 2017.

28.11.2017 The 10th Meeting of Council of the Heads of FIU of the CIS member states

During November 20 - 22, 2017 the 10th regular meeting, meetings of Working teams and Expert Group Meeting of Heads of Financial Intelligence Units Council of CIS member-states (HFIUC CIS) has taken place. The issues of WT activities on assessment of risks and threats and Working Teams activity on combating terrorism financing have been considered in the framework of HFIUC meetings.

24.11.2017 List established under UNSC resolution was supplemented

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolution 1970 approved supplements to the list of individuals and entities associated with Sudan.

21.11.2017 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA

01.11.2017 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1970 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with Libya.

27.10.2017 Preparation for the 2nd round of Peer Assessments of AML/CFT/MDWP

The representatives of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), led by Ms. Elzbeto Frankov-Yushkevich (UNODC Adviser on AML/CFT), accompanied by Mr. Rafal Wozniak, Polish Police representative have visited Tajikistan for the period from October 24-27, 2017.



05.10.2017 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA

25.09.2017 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA


13.09.2017 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA


28.08.2017 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA

18.08.2017 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA.





14.04.2017 Training for interdepartmental delegation of the Republic of Tajikistan

Training for interdepartmental delegation of the Republic of Tajikistan within the limits of preparation for the second round of mutual estimations of the Eurasian Group on combating money laundering and financing of terrorism (EAG) held on April 10-14, 2017 in Moscow (Russian Federation).






31.03.2016 Purpose – to share experience between experts

For the purpose of sharing of experience, the training seminar with participation of representatives of Financial Intelligence Unit of the Republic of Korea (Korea Financial Intelligence Unit - KoFIU) in sphere of resistance legalization of incomes which was received by illegal means and financing of terrorism was held in the National Bank of Tajikistan on March 31 of current year.

18.03.2016 Training seminar for staff of credit institutions in the NBT

The training seminar for responsible representatives of commercial banks and other microcredit deposit institutions of the republic in the framework of implementation of requirements of the «Program on Anti-money Laundering and Combating Terrorism Financing» has taken place in the National Bank of Tajikistan today, on March 18, 2016. 

17.03.2016 Training seminar: Risk assessment, due to accessible of financial products

The training seminar for representatives of supervision bodies of the country, financial market participants, and also responsible persons of commercial banks, microcredit deposit institutions and Banking Association of Tajikistan with the participants of the First Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan Mr. Jamoliddin Nuraliev and Senior Specialist of Financial Sector of the World Bank Mr. Claudio Stroligo was held today, on March 17 of current year. 

06.10.2014 Successful Activity of the Republic of Tajikistan in the filed of Anti-money Laundering and Combating Terrorism Financing

There is functioning the “hot line” +(992) 44-600-15-20 service in the National Bank of Tajikistan with the purpose of comprehensive analysis and urgent settlement of problems faced while providing different banking services.

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