Results of banking system activity of the republic for 2016

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Results of banking system activity of the republic for 2016

The results of banking system activity for 2016 and tasks for 2017 were considered in detail during an extended meeting of the management of the National bank of Tajikistan with participation of heads of credit organisations held yesterday on January 23, current year.


In the final meeting the Chairman of NBT Mr. Jamshed Nurmahmadzoda has noted that despite a difficult situation in banking system and generally in economy in 2016 the National bank of Tajikistan has achieved success in development of real economy and implementation of plans and tasks committed by the bank in sphere of macroeconomic indicators.

Mr. Jamshed Nurmahmadzoda has expressed opinions on performance of orders and instructions, which have been given during the regular session of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and indicated in the Message of Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, His Excellency Emomali Rahmon on strengthening of control over banking system. It has been noted that considering an influence of external pressure and financial crisis, also weak corporate governance in some banks they have faced problems caused a tendency of decrease in population trust to banking system. A gradual elimination of problems in problem banks and their financing decision-making by the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, targeted funds distribution, careful supervision of allocated funds, primarily securing obligations of the given banks before budget and investors has been specially underlined. At the same time Mr. Jamshed Nurmahmadzoda has noted that for elimination of available lacks of the system jointly with banks the special attention should be paid on improvement of sustainable activity of banking system and maintenance of its growth in the country, improvement of asset quality, strengthening of risk management, increase of foreign investments, fixed capital, improvement of corporate governance methods, strict control of assets, obligations, liquidity level and increasing efficiency.


Then Mr. Sirojiddin Ikromi, Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan has addressed with a detailed report and robust analysis on main issue of the meeting «Results of banking system activity for 2016». He drew the attention of heads of banks and microfinance organizations on low level of corporate governance, inefficient supervision by Supervisory Board, inadequate activity of internal audit and management of risks, non- perfection of control system of assets and liabilities, low level of observance of crediting principles, i.e., delivery of large loans without careful analysis, non-observance of requirements of statutes and regulations of the National Bank of Tajikistan, submission of doubtful reports, low level of financial intermediation, absence of long-term strategy on attraction of investments, high interest rates of loans and so on. Also it has been noted that despite the applications of punitive sanctions toward banks in 2016, serious lacks still observed here.

During the consideration of issues, heads of commercial banks have expressed their opinions concerning existing problems connected with settlement and payment of taxes, necessity of use of country’s rating for attraction of foreign investments, decrease of population confidence to banks of the country, lack of staff in regions, development of clearing settlements, realization of the Law «On Islamic Banking Activity», arrangement of efficient activity of cash dispenses of credit organizations and have noted that jointly with the National Bank of Tajikistan they will make their contribution to settlement of the given problems.


At the end of the extended meeting the NBT management has given instructions to heads of banks and microfinance institutions for 2017, in particular on use of various ways for attraction of low-interest and long-term loans, measures to be taken on increasing population’s confidence to banking system, increase of financial intermediation level, strengthening of activity of internal audit and risk management, improvement of granting services quality and introduction of new banking services, improvement of clearing settlement, ensuring transparence of credit activity and other issues.

It has been noted that the National Bank of Tajikistan jointly with credit institutions will take measures on effective implementation of monetary policy of the Republic of Tajikistan with the view of development of banking system of the country.


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