Studying of “Report on credit operations”

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Studying of “Report on credit operations”

Specialists of Statistics and balance of payments Management of the National Bank of Tajikistan held a consultative seminar on preparation and submission of statistical reporting form of №1-CO “Report on credit operations” for employees of credit institutions of the country on July 28, 2017.

At the beginning of a seminar Bakhtiyor Bakhriddinov, head of Statistics and balance of payments Management has noted that the statistical reporting form of №1-CO “Report on credit operations” is developed according to up-to-date requirements in cooperation with the EC, IMF, Organisation for Economic Co¬operation and Development (OECD), UN and WB.


During seminar Bakhtiyor Bakhriddinov has stated that considerable changes in all branches of modern world were positively reflected on the international practice of submission of statistical reports, having caused major changes in sphere of regulation of System of National Accounts, international standards of financial reporting and balance of payments which in turn demand change of all forms of statistical reporting.

In this regard, credit institutions will be guided the new statistical reporting form of №1-CО “Report on credit operations” which is brought into conformity with IMF requirements.


Highlighting the importance of extension of reliable reports, B. Bakhriddinov also has noted that filling and submission methods of the statistical reporting form of №1-CО “Report on credit operations” essentially differs from former reporting forms. Then, NBT experts have presented filling and submission methods of the statistical reporting form of №1-CО “Report on credit operations”.

It is necessary to note that there were more than 100 representatives of credit institutions of the country, who actively participated in discussion of the new reporting form.


At the end the participants were again reminded that the statistical reporting form of №1-CО “Report on credit operations” has been improved according to requirements of System of National Accounts with the view of realization of the international standards, it will abrogate application of statistical reports 3-CB, 8-CI, 10-CI, 10-MC, 1-SC, 2-SL и 3-L.

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