Meeting of the Working Group on Information Exchange between Government Agencies

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Meeting of the Working Group on Information Exchange between Government Agencies

On August 4, 2017, the next meeting of the subgroups of the Working Group on Information Exchange with Government Agencies was held under the chairmanship of Fayzullozoda Fayzullo, Acting Director of the Financial Monitoring Departmen, in the National Bank of Tajikistan.

It worth to note that specified subgroups of the Working Group were established for the purpose of transition to an information exchange system between the competent Government Agencies in electronic form.


During the meeting, representatives of the National Bank of Tajikistan and representatives of LLC Eastera have presented presentations for subgroup members regarding further work on establishment of information exchange system.

After presentations, the members of the subgroups of the Working Group commented on new procedure of information exchange and noted that renewable procedure would enhance the effectiveness of national system for combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime, financing of terrorism and financing the proliferation of mass destruction weapons, and eliminates additional stages whilst exchange of information.


At the end of the meeting, summing up the results Fayzullozoda Faizullo, Head of the Working Group has proposed to consider the possibility of signing bilateral agreements, which will be additional legal basis for a new procedure for electronic information exchange.

Financial Monitoring Department

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