The 10th Meeting of Council of the Heads of FIU of the CIS member states

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The 10th Meeting of Council of the Heads of FIU of the CIS member states

During November 20 - 22, 2017 the 10th regular meeting, meetings of Working teams and Expert Group Meeting of Heads of Financial Intelligence Units Council of CIS member-states (HFIUC CIS) has taken place. The issues of WT activities on assessment of risks and threats and Working Teams activity on combating terrorism financing have been considered in the framework of HFIUC meetings. At the same time, within the limits of 10th HFIUC Meeting, the Expert Group Meeting on consideration of issues of Agenda and results of the Working teams activities has been held there. 

Representatives of the FIU of CIS member-states, including representatives of FIU of the Republic of Tajikistan have participated in it actively.


It is necessary to note that the issue on rule-making (consistent approaches) for adjustment of electronic payment systems for the purpose of prevention of their use for ML/FT has been considered. The given initiative has been offered by the NBT Financial Monitoring Department within the limits of preparation for 9th HFIUC Meeting. The decision on continuation of activities in this direction was made and results shall be presented during the next meeting. 

One of the most important and highlighted moments of HFIUC Meeting was awarding of persons assisting in solution of problems assigned to the Council, significantly contributed to formation, development and improvement of HFIUC by commemorative medals, acknowledgements and letters of award in the honor of the 5th anniversary of HFIUC CIS establishment.


It should be noted that among the persons presented to various awards were also the representatives of the Republic of Tajikistan: Vatanzoda M.M., Legal Assistant to the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Ikromi S.S., Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan who were awarded for contribution to formation and development of HFIUC with medals in honour of the 5th anniversary of HFIUC CIS establishment. F.Faizullozoda, Acting Director of the NBT Financial Monitoring Department was awarded with the medal for merits in HFIUC activity.

Financial Monitoring Department

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