Charitable acts according to Navruz traditions

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Charitable acts according to Navruz traditions

The International Navruz Holiday has a long history, originates from the depths of centuries and has good values ​​and qualities. In particular, unity and solidarity, friendship, kindness, visiting the sick people, remembering the ancestors and charity to the needy and sick people are among the most important traditions of this prosperous holiday of our ancestors, which our people value. Along with this, Navruz is also considered to be a culture of dialogue and meeting of people, which unites people, regardless of race and nationality, on one table – festive Navruz board and awakens love in their hearts.


Taking into account this Navruz tradition and following the humanitarian initiatives of the Founder of Peace and National Unity - Leader of Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon on March 18, 2021, on the eve of the International Navruz Holiday, the National Bank of Tajikistan provided the festive board for patients of Boarding school for mentally ill people of Gissar” and presented Navruz gifts to each of them. It was noted that the care of orphans and disabled people, poor families, needy people and support of vulnerable segments of society is one of the important directions in the social policy of the Leader of Nation and the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan.


In this regard, the National Bank of Tajikistan, in support of this humanitarian initiative and the guidance of His Excellency, will continue to provide aid to needy people, regardless of the holidays.

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