Meeting of the NBT Chairman with representatives of Landgart AG

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Meeting of the NBT Chairman with representatives of Landgart AG

On November 17, 2021, Hokim Kholiqzoda, Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan, received Regional Sales Director of Landgart AG Muriel Schuler and the Trade Representative Mr. Thomas Lee.


At the beginning of the meeting, NBT Chairman Hokim Kholiqzoda welcomed Landgart AG representatives and expressed interest in obtaining detailed information on Landgart AG's activities.

“Tajikistan pays great attention to important issues of environmental protection, and according to available information, production of eco-friendly products is one of the priorities of Landgart AG. In this regard, we would like to learn more about the process of issuing banknotes and improving its security properties in your company”said NBT Chairman Hokim Kholiqzoda.


Thus, representatives of Landgart AG provided detailed information on all aspects of the company's activities, including specific features of the process of producing high-quality paper, issuing banknotes and improving its security elements, cooperation with central banks of different countries.

In particular, it was noted that Landgart AG was founded in 1872 in Switzerland and it mostly focuses on production of high-quality paper for banknotes, securities and other types of documents, using rich experience and modern scientific and technological achievements. This company cooperates with central banks of more than 50 countries, that consider production of eco-friendly products as one of the top priorities, such as Switzerland, Kazakhstan, Cambodia, Malaysia and Morocco, in the field of banknote issuance and money security.


During the meeting, parties also discussed the possibility of further cooperation between the National Bank of Tajikistan and Landgart AG.

At the end of the meeting, guests invited Hokim Kholiqzoda, Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan to visit Landgart AG head quarters and get acquainted with company's main activities.

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