In Dushanbe will be hold the regular meeting of the Board of Governors of the Central (National) Banks of EurAsEC

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In Dushanbe will be hold the regular meeting of the Board of Governors of the Central (National) Banks of EurAsEC

    On October 3-4 of the current year in Dushanbe will be hold 27th meeting of the Board of Governors of the Central (National) Banks of the member states of Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC).
    In the meeting of the Board will attend heads of the Central (National) Banks of member states, including Russian Federation, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, EurAsEC Integration Committee and the Interstate Bank.
    It is expected that the during meeting it will be discussed situation of payments system and management of international reserves of the member states, legislation of countries of this Community on responsibility of financial institutions, results of the analysis of the level of development and the foreign exchange markets of the member states and other relevant topics.


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