Meeting of Central banks’ heads of the member - countries of EurAsEC in Dushanbe

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Meeting of Central banks’ heads of the member - countries of EurAsEC in Dushanbe

The 22nd Meeting of the Council of the Central (national) banks’ heads of the member – countries of the Euroasian Economic Community (EurAsEC) will be held on 8-9 July of current year in Dushanbe. The heads of the central banks of Belarus, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, the head of the Interstate Bank, and representatives of the Euroasian Bank of Development, Secretary of Integration Committee and Commission of Resident representatives of the member – countries of EurAsEC will attend this Meeting.  During the session the participants are planning to consider a course of implementation of decisions of the 21st Meeting of Council, the measures on supporting banking sector and maintaining financial stability of the member – countries of EurAsEC in the conditions of the world financial crisis, the results of summary analysis of currency payments data related to good-turnover, the results of analysis of the national exchange rates and their changes, the state of balances of payments and international reserves, the course of working out of the Agreement draft on Harmonisation of mechanisms of implementation of monetary and exchange rate policy, the transboundary remittances of money resources by physicals of the member-countries of EurAsEC.  Press -Centre NBT

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