Average exchange rate in the cash market has decreased

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Average exchange rate in the cash market has decreased

On October 23 and during the days off the average exchange rate of US dollar gradually decreased. Thus, in the exchange bureaus of Dushanbe and other regions of the republic 1 US dollar has made 4,3500-4,3800 Somoni. The average exchange rates of the Russian ruble and Euro have not changed and made 1,4740-1,4930 Somoni for 10 Russian rubles and 6,4900-6,5500 Somoni for 1 Euro. As a whole, at present it is observed a high demand for Somoni.

The amounts of transactions with foreign currency in the inter-bank and intra-bank markets on October 23, also tended to decrease. As a whole, the average rate of US dollar on effected operations in the given segments of the market has slightly decreased and made 4,3770 Somoni for 1 US dollar. The average buying-selling rate of the Russian ruble and Euro has a little raised and made 1,5012 Somoni for 10 Russian rubles and 6,5732 Somoni for 1 Euro.

On October 26, in the morning the exchange rate of US dollar in the exchange bureaus of Dushanbe continued a tendency to decrease and made on the average 4,3520-4,3700 Somoni.


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