The average rate of US dollar both on 2 October and in the days off was unchanged and in the exchange offices of Dushanbe and other regions of republic on the average has made 4,4060-4,4230 Somoni for 1 USD. The average rate of the Russian ruble and Euro have slightly decreased and made 1, 4160-1, 4330 Somoni for 10 Russian rubles and 6, 2920-6, 3480 Somoni for 1 Euro accordingly. As a whole, at present the situation in the internal currency market testifies to stability of operations and equality of supply and demand.
On 2 October the volumes of transactions with US dollar in the inter-bank and intra-bank markets tended to decrease and testify to increase on inter-bank segment of the market of transactions with the Russian ruble and Euro. As a whole, on affected operations on the given segment of the market the average rates of US dollar, Euro and Russian ruble have slightly decreased and made 4,4074 Somoni for 1 USD, 1,4578 Somoni for 10 Russian rubles and 6,3914 Somoni for 1 Euro.
In the morning on 5 October the average buying-selling rate of US dollar in the exchange offices of Dushanbe has not changed and on the average made 4,4200 Somoni for 1 USD.
Press -Center