Meeting of NBT’s leadership with a journalist ‘The Asahi Shimbun’ took place

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Meeting of NBT’s leadership with a journalist ‘The Asahi Shimbun’ took place

On April 6, 2007 meeting of the Bank’s leadership with the head Chairman of the NBT Alimardonov M.M. with a correspondent of the popular Japanese newspaper’ The Asahi Shimbun’ Y.Teddy Takeuchi took place at the National Bank of Tajikistan.

Japanese journalist during the meeting informed, that he has visited Tajikistan first time and he is impressed much about Tajik people’s hospitality and the beauty of the Nature. At the present time, dwellers of Japan don’t have enough knowledge about your country, - he underlined. And the aim of my visit – is preparing the true and interesting information about Tajikistan. My report will touch currently policy, economic situation and outlooks of economical development and cooperation with foreign countries.

Alimardonov M.M. has noticed that Tajikistan from the first days of independence till nowadays has been feeling supporting of Japan and he asked Japanese journalist to express his gratitude to the Government of Japan through publication of the newspaper. Later he told in details about present finance-economic situation, main directions of Tajikistan’s development, particularly in energy sector, mining industry, agriculture and tourism. Head of the NBT also noticed, that during last years in the country there are sizeable alterations with finance and technical assistance of international financial organizations and donors-countries, including from Japan as well. Government of our country going along with open doors policy and it is ready for joint projects with Japanese side. After that, Chairman of the NBT answered to the questions of the representative of Japanese press.

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