Development of the payment system infrastructure of the National Bank of Tajikistan

Development of the payment system infrastructure of the National Bank of Tajikistan

During the 2023, operations of 35 system participants, liquidated credit financial institutions, non-resident legal entities, participants of the National Payment System “Korti Milli” and the international payment system “VISA” were carried out through ASMDP (for transactions within the country within the framework of the TJNNSS project).    

The table shows the tariffs for interbank settlement services of the National Bank of Tajikistan, which were agreed upon with the Antimonopoly Service under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan on October 26, 2020, approved by Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of Tajikistan No. 153 dated November 12, 2020:

1. Tariffs for interbank gross settlement services in real time of the Automated Interbank Money Transfer System


Type of payment

Quantity of electronic payment documents processed in a current of one month (pieces)

Cost of each electronic payment document without the tax on added cost, (somoni)

Processing of the electronic payment document of the participant of the interbank automated translation system of money

from 1 till 1 000


from 1 001 till 10 000


from 10 001 and more



* - Cost of processing of each electronic payment document processed after 17-30 hours makes 5,00 somoni.


      2. Tariffs for interbank settlement services carried out through the instant payments and clearing settlements modules of the Automated Interbank Money Transfer System

Type of payment

Стоимость каждого электронного платежного документа и пакета электронных платежных документов (сомони)

Processing one payment document solution through the instant settlement module                       


Processing of one package of electronic payment documents through the clearing settlements module (maximum amount of one payment document is 1 000,00 TJS)



 *- The number of electronic payment documents in one package is not limited. 


There is no fee for interbank settlement services for the processing of electronic payment documents received by the state budget through budget transit accounts (balance sheet account - 20262).
The National Bank of Tajikistan establishes documents’ storage rules and terms on interbank settlements and information storage procedures concerning operations, performed in electronic payments system.
The main payment document of interbank settlements in the Republic of Tajikistan is a payment order (Forms of clearing settlements are defined by the Instruction № 193 “On non-cash settlements in the Republic of Tajikistan”).


Accross ASIMT during the 2023, the volume of payments amounted to TJS 531.3 billion, which is 19.6 billion more than this period last year. The number of payments amounted to 4.2 million transactions, which is .8 million more than the same period in 2022.

Quantity and volume of transactions implemented accross ASIMT
