Национальный Банк Таджикистана

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Three-sided meeting took place in the National Bank of Tajikistan

The Governing Body of the National Bank of Tajikistan has held meeting with the arrived missions of International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank (WB) on February, 22. This meeting was initiated on presentation of the Program by the evaluation of financial system of Tajikistan, which was suggested to the National Bank of Tajikistan.

The Heads of IMF and WB missions Ms.Marina Moretti and and Mr.Hurmuz Agdey have told about the aims and the meanings of the Program, that includes determination of weak and strong spots in macro economy, risks and system liquidity, observance of IMF Code in practical sphere of transparency in monetary and financial policies, financial systems, analyze of indicators of financial system stability, providing of banking risks, evaluation of effectiveness of banking supervision, legal base, corporate guidance of the banks, payment system, strategy of expansion to finance access and regulation of insurance sector and etc.

Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan Alimardonov M.M. has noticed that banking system of the country is strengthening, the population’s confidence to the banks has been increasing, and the growth of deposit base is evidence for it.

The correct disposition and guaranteeing of repayment of population deposits is a very important direction in banking sector activity, - Alimardonov M.M. continued. We need the Program of Financial Sector Evaluation and we are sure that objective evaluation from the part of authoritative international financial organizations, such as IMF and WB will help to eliminate the shortcomings, which exist in the work of banking sector.

Study, analyze and evaluation of financial sector of Tajikistan will be implemented in three phases till July of the current year.

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