Национальный Банк Таджикистана

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Specialists of the NBT increase their qualification

International Seminar named by “International Settlements and Finances” for the specialists of central machinery and the branches of the bank has started on February, 26.

This seminar was provided by the NBT jointly with Deutch Bundes Bank (Germany) and it includes the detailed analyze of such actual matters as currency and exchange rates; course of hedging; special articles of the bill; documentary payment; trade documents; banking warranty and other.

The teacher of this seminar was Major Adviser on International Payments and Finances of Deutch Bundes Bank Mr.Heins Schteinl. Except theoretical part, the specialists of the NBT took part in practical studies with mentioned above matters.

In conclusion of the seminar to its participants will be hand the Certificates of International Standard on March, 2.

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