
01.11.2017 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1970 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with Libya.

27.10.2017 Preparation for the 2nd round of Peer Assessments of AML/CFT/MDWP

The representatives of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), led by Ms. Elzbeto Frankov-Yushkevich (UNODC Adviser on AML/CFT), accompanied by Mr. Rafal Wozniak, Polish Police representative have visited Tajikistan for the period from October 24-27, 2017.



05.10.2017 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA

25.09.2017 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA


13.09.2017 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA


28.08.2017 List established under UNSC resolution was changed

Committee established pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions 1267/1989/2253 approved changes to the list of individuals and entities associated with ISIL & AL-QAIDA

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