Monetary sector
Exchange rate
About us
Banking legislation
Organizational structure
Monetary Policy
Monetary Policy Objective and Tasks
Monetary Policy Instruments
Monetary Policy Committee
The main directions of the monetary policy of RT
Monetary Policy Strategy of RT
Monthly Inflation Review
Monetary Review
Macroeconomic Review
Inflation Report
Banking system
Review of the banking system
Financial indicators of credit financial institutions
Financial indicators of banks
Financial indicators of nonbank credit institutions
Financial indicators of microcredit deposit organizations
List of credit financial institutions
Non-bank credit institutions
Micro Credit Deposit Organizations
Micro-Loan Organizations
Micro Loan Funds
Credit organizations in the stage of liquidation
List of representative offices of banks
Representative offices of domectik banks outside the Republic of Tajikistan
List of representative offices of foreign banks
List of shareholders of banks
List of Investments of credit financial institutions
List of investments of banks
List of Investments of nonbank credit institutions
List of the audit organizations
List of special administrators and liquidators of credit institutions
List of credit history bureaus
Financial Stability
Overall review
Review of the financial system
Review of financial soundness of banking system
Review of financial soundness of banking system
Financial soundness indicators of the banking system
Financial soundness indicators of banks
Financial soundness indicators of MCDOs
Macroprudential policy
Financial Stability Committee of the National Bank of Tajikistan
National financial stability Council of the Republic of Tajikistan
Macroprudential policy framework
Rules on identification of systemically important credit institutions
Stable financing
Payment system
General Review
Payment system of the Republic of Tajikistan
Development of the payment system infrastructure of the National Bank of Tajikistan
Roster of operators of payment systems
The process of issuing a license for the activities of payment system operator (PSO)
Development of the payment card market
Electronic money
Bank payment agents
Banking identification codes of Credit financial Institutions of the Republic of Tajikistan
Real sector
Monetary sector
External sector
Banking statistics bulletin
External sector statistics
Balance of Payments of the Republic of Tajikistan
International investment position of the Republic of Tajikistan
Gross external debt of the Republic of Tajikistan
Foreign trade of goods and services of the Republic of Tajikistan
Direct foreign investments
International reserve assets
Balance of payments
Methodological comments to BOP and ED
Analytical representation
Standard representation
Foreign trade turnover
Trade balance
The analytical table of export - import of the goods on the countries
Main indicators
Comments to BOP and ED of the RT
Private Non-guaranteed ED and FI of RT
Banknotes and coins
Jubilee coins
Commemorative coins
Monetary sector
Monetary Survey of the National Bank of Tajikistan
Depository Corporations Survey
Financial Corporations Survey
Monetary aggregates
Interest rates on credits
Interest rates on deposits
Information on average banking rate
Refinancing rate
Result of auctions
Calendar of issuance securities of the National Bank of Tajikistan
Calendar of issuance of State Treasuey Bills
Schedule of credit auction of the NBT
Schedule of deposit auctions of the NBT