Presentation of mobile banking in the National Bank of Tajikistan

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Presentation of mobile banking in the National Bank of Tajikistan

    At the initiative of the National Bank of Tajikistan and in cooperation with European Bank of Reconstruction and Development, German Agency on Cooperation (GIZ), International Financial Corporation introduced mobile banking. On July 21, 2014 at the National Bank of Tajikistan the presentation of mobile banking services took place with participation of representatives of the ministries, agencies and credit institutions of the republic.
     Now, citizens of Tajikistan can make banking operations with use of mobile phones. This service provides payment for electricity and municipal service or to transfer money to the necessary account and purchasing.
    The first services for mobile banking have offered credit institutions OJSC "Agroinvestbank", MDO "Avfar" LLC, CJSC MDO "Samar" and CJSC MDO “Imon International”. In Central Asia, Tajikistan is one of the first states who introduce mobile banking. Analyses have shown that the mobile communication develops fast, and people use this service. This is primary factor of successful development of mobile banking meeting international requirements.
    Mobile banking services allow to clients to carry out such operations as remittance from one account to another, payment for purchasing of goods and services, payment against invoice, remittances, clearance, and receptions of data on account balance, exchange rate and etc.
    For increase of non-cash payments it should be introduction of modern means of electronic payments, such as bank payment cards, mobile payment systems (mobile banking) and other.
    Mobile payment systems allow clients to make payments by means of mobile phones without dependence from where they are located and popularization of this modern means of payment among citizens creates favorable conditions for strengthening of national payment system.

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