Economic situation preserved stable level

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Economic situation preserved stable level

    Today on July 22, 2014 in Republican Press-centre hold press conference of the National Bank of Tajikistan following the results of activity of bank and bank system of the country in the first half of the year. During press conference there have been discussed issues of monetary policy implementation, development of banking system, rate of inflation, payment system, deposits’ increase, rate of national currency and others.
    At the beginning of the press conference Mr. Abdujabbor Shirinov, Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan has noticed that despite difficult political situation in the world for the first half of 2014, instability of economy of the region countries and the world, change of the world prices for main exported goods and raw materials, economic situation in the country had stable tendency and its basic indicators are characterized as follows.

    Macroeconomic indicators
    Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
    For the reporting period the GDP has reached TJS 17,9 billion and its real growth in comparison with the same period of last year has made 6,7%.
    Also, there is mentioned that according to the Statistic Agency for the first half of 2014 the inflation rate has made 4,5 %, that in comparison with the same period of previous year is more on 2,9 percentage points. Basically, this process has occurred at the expense of rise in prices for food on 7,0 %, services on 2,4 % and nonfood on 0,3 %. For this period annual inflation (for 12 months) has made 6,6 % against same period of last year and is more on 1,1 percentage points. (For data: according to statistical data of the World Bank, in the reporting period prices for wheat in the world markets in comparison with the beginning of the year have increased by 5.1% and for oil products by 1,1 %).
    According to the National Bank’s analyses in the first half of 2014 the level of core inflation (without influence of external, seasonal and administrative factors) has made 2,4 %, that in comparison with the same period of previous year is more on 2,7 percentage points.

     Rate of national currency
    During press conference has been noted, that the official rate of national currency in January-June of 2014 had the stable tendency of variation and has decreased in relation to US dollar on 3,5 % (in the first half of 2013 made 0,03 %).
    Trade balance
    The foreign trade turnover for the reporting period has made USD 2 892,7 million and in compare with first half of previous year has increased by 14,3 %. Including, volume of export has decreased by 14,8 %, having reached USD 521,0 million and import volume has increased by 23,5% and has made USD 2 371,7 million. Trade balance deficiency has made USD 1 850,7 million that in comparison with the first half of previous year is more on 41,4 %.
     Monetary policy of the National Bank of Tajikistan
    In the first half of 2014 taking into account an economic situation, the National Bank of Tajikistan has directed its monetary policy for forecasted monetary indicators achievement, maintenance of liquidity of banking system and preservation of stability of monetary supply in economy.
    Chairman of the NBT has noticed, that in the first quarter of current year with the view of macroeconomic indicators conditions and maintenance of development of banking system of the country, the refinancing rate has been reduced from 5,5 % to 4,8 % per annum. However, in May due to inflationary pressure increase the refinancing rate has been increased to 5,9 % per annum.
     Legal reserve requirements for maintenance of liquidity of banking system, support of real sector of economy and development of credit sector has been preserved for deposits in national currency 5,0 % and for deposits in foreign currency 7,0 %.
    Interest rate on loans which are issued by the National Bank of Tajikistan for maintenance liquidity of the credit institutions was decreased due to reduction of the average weighted interest rate of interbank loans from 21,5 % to 18 %.
     The volume of reserve money which is considered program indicator as of June 30, 2014 has made TJS 5 627,2 million, that in comparison with the same period of previous year is more on 25,3 % (TJS 1 137,6 million). For this period the volume of cash in circulation have made TJS 4,6 billion.
    Development of banking system
In addition, there are underlined that the quantity of credit institutions as of July 1, 2014 has made 141 units, including: 17 banks, 1 non-bank credit institutions, 41 micro-credit deposit institutions, 43 micro-credit institutions and 39 micro-credit funds. For this period the quantity of banks against same period of 2014 has increased by 1 unit and quantity of bank’s branches for 6 units.
    At the end of the first half of 2014 in the republic it was registered 1478 units of exchange offices of the credit institutions and individuals which in compare with the same period of previous year is more on 117 units. Also, in territory of the republic functions 1632 service point of money transfer which in comparison with the reporting period of last year is more on 461 units.
    Mr. A. Shirinov during the press conference underlined that deposits as of June 30, 2014 has made TJS 5,9 billion. The given indicator in compare with the similar period of previous year is more on 14,5 %.     
    Share of deposits in national and foreign currencies in structure of the total balance have made 32,4% and 67,6 % accordingly. The volume of deposits balance in comparison with the same period of previous year in national currency has increased by 18,8 % and in foreign currency by 12,5 %.
     It should be noted that deposits of individuals have increased by 20,1 % and have made TJS 4,0 billion.
    The average weighted interest rate of time deposits in national currency has made 15,23 %, in foreign currency 11,99 %, which compared to the same period of previous year in national currency is less on 0,17 percentage points, and in foreign currency is more on 1,21 percentage points.
    It should be noted that the total balance of loans for the accounting period has increased by 34,0 % and has reached TJS 8,7 billion where 42,1 % makes loans in national currency and remained 57,9 % - loans in foreign currency.
    The volume of issued loans for this period has made TJS 5,3 billion against first half of previous year is more on 26,0%.
    The average life of loans in the first half of 2014 for individuals has made 418 days and for legal entities 366 days. The average weighted interest rate of loans in national currency has made 25,79 %, in foreign currency - 23,99 %, that in compare with the same period of previous year in national currency is more on 1,0 percentage points and in foreign currency is less on 2,3 percentage points.
     Mr. Abdujabbor Shirinov has noticed that the volume of issued micro-loans which in comparison with the similar period of previous year have increased by 31,5 %, having made TJS 2,9 billion. In particular, in the remote mountain areas of the country it has been issued micro-loans for TJS 571,3 million which in compare with same period of previous year is more on 28,4 %.

    Payment system

     The total quantity of payments in the republic for the first half of 2014 has increased by 47,7 % and has reached 21,8 million units. The total amount of payments has made TJS 241,0 billion, having increased against first half of previous year by 6,7 %.
In the territory of the republic functions 14 banks - emitters of payment cards, they released 894 188 units of payment cards for the reporting period, which in compare with same period of previous year is more on 44,9 %. The quantity of owners of payment cards has made 870 139, this indicator is more on 45,8 % in compare with the similar period of previous year.
     At the same time, in the first half of 2014 it was observed increase of ATM’s for 656 units, points of providing cash 964 units, ATM’s trade and service supply 352 units, their growth in comparison with first half of previous year has made 149 units (29,4 %), 379 units (64,7 %) and 60 units (20,5 %) accordingly.
     The second part of the press conference which lasted more than one and half hour, according to journalists view, has passed in interesting atmosphere, as foreign and local journalists have received answers to the questions concerning the latest news and issues of banking system, in particular on foreign reserves of the country, rise in prices in the world and domestic markets, exchange rate fluctuation, inflation rate, remittances of labor migrants, creation of foreign banks and their branches, attraction of foreign investments into economy, use of payment cards, and also about money supply, loans to agricultural sector, maintenance of deposits safety of population and problem loans.


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