Demand of population for credits is satisfied

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Demand of population for credits is satisfied

    The analyses and results of the total balance of credits in the republic have shown that in August of the current year the given indicator have reached TJS 8’944,6 million, that in comparison with the similar period of the last year is more on 29,9%. As well as last month, for this period the growth tendency of long-term credits proceeded and having made TJS 3 865, 9 million.
    In January-August of current year the average weighted interests on credits in national currency has made 24,95% and in foreign currency - 23,23% annual.
    In connection with increase of demand of population for microcredits in August the volume of this bank has continued the growth tendency and in comparison with the corresponding period of previous year has increased by 28,6 %.
     Including, in the remote mountain regions microcredits has been given out for amount of TJK 745,8 million, that in comparison with the similar period of the last year is more on 24,1%.


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