Proceeding of the 21st EAG Plenary Meeting

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Proceeding of the 21st EAG Plenary Meeting

    Today the 21st EAG Plenary Meeting is continuing its work. According to the 21st EAG Plenary Meeting’s working program the Scientific Conference, devoted to the 10th Anniversary of the EAG, will take place today.
    During the Scientific Conference, devoted to the 10th Anniversary of the Group, there will be a special report on the Specific Importance of the organisation in development of AML and TF and at the same time number of representatives and Heads of the given Division of the countries who made significant contribution to the given branch will be awarded by medal of the 10th anniversary of the EAG.
    According to the working program the 4th Meeting of the FIU Heads’ Council of the CIS member states has completed its activity and adopted relevant decisions on discussed issues yesterday.
    Also yesterday the working groups have completed their activities and prepared their conclusions and adoption of corresponding issues to be presented during the 21st EAG Plenary Meeting, which will take place on November 13-14, 2014.


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