NBT is taking necessary measures

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NBT is taking necessary measures

The answer to article of the correspondent of the newspaper "Asia-plus" Mahasti Dustmurodova

    Actually, the rate changes, observed for the last some weeks in the domestic foreign exchange market, in connection with the external economic situation, namely lasting influence of political and economic crisis in the trading partners countries, in some extent have made the impact on price rises of some basic imported goods. Currently, the given change is observed only in the price of breadstuff which has been resulted in given article. However, the given changes on other imported goods are not observed in domestic market.
    It is necessary to stress that, various emotions and panics lead to growth of factors of expectation at citizens, and as consequence can become the reason of a speculative rise in prices of the goods. On this point, insistently we bring to the notice of citizens that with the view of preserving stability of the prices in the market calmness and patience observance is especially important. According to expectations the given tendency has short-term and changeable feature and according to decrease in rate pressure, price for the imported goods, like in the previous years, will return to the initial balance point.
    The National Bank of Tajikistan within available possibilities, for restraint of influence of rate pressure on a country financial system will continue currency interventions and will take all necessary measures for prevention of speculative actions in domestic market.


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