Round table: primary objective - information security

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Round table: primary objective - information security

    The round table on “Information security on the base of Microsoft program” for credit organisations took place on November 12, 2014 in the NBT premises. The given event was held by the initiative of the NBT jointly with Microsoft Corporation and organizational support of “Softline Tajikistan” Corporation. For performance, speakers from Microsoft Corporation - Mr. Evgenie Danilov, Licensing Director for Central and Eastern Europe countries and Mr. Rashid Ivaev – Manager of Business Development Sector in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan have been invited to the Round table.

    In presentation “Piracy software as a threat of information safety” very charged question concerning installation of piracy programs on computers of companies and organisations, which comprise virus and espionage utilities has been mentioned. According to statistics, the volume of losses which directly connected with installation of infected counterfeit software (PS) and data loss as a result of data breach only in 1 case from 1000 infected counterfeit programs for 2014 has made USD 364 billion.
    Also today's problem of IT expert includes not only a maintenance of protection of organisation from external threat, but also implementation of internal information protection system. “Information security. IS Components in Microsoft products” presentation has affected pressing questions of IT Experts which interested how it is possible and necessary to use Microsoft production for protection and safety of financial sector information and other sectors of the market. Analysis testify that the quintuple of basic internal threats make such variants as (2) seepage provoked by employees, (3) intended data leak/data disclosure by the personnel, (4) loss/theft of mobile devices of employees and (5) data leak through mobile devices (e-mail, SMS, etc.).
    Today information safety becomes the priority for all sectors, but for credit organisations this topic always was and remains relevant, as the percent of confidential and personal data of total information is one of the highest. For a credit organisation, the solution of problem of information safety provision should be, if not on the first place at least, enter into the quintuple of most important problems as the fact of incidents of information safety can result not only in business idle time but also to a serious loss of organisation’s reputation.


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