Cooperation with the company Visa International Service Association commenced

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Cooperation with the company Visa International Service Association commenced

During a rather short history of functioning of payment system of the republic the new page has been opened on December 16, current year. The practical implementation of the project on participation of company Visa International Service Association in national system of mutual settlements of the Republic of Tajikistan today has begun.

Now all operations on mutual settlements with use of payment cards of the Visa International payment system in the republic will be carried out only in national currency – Tajik somoni namely it will be carried out with no effecting additional operation on currency conversion.

It is necessary to note that earlier owners of payment cards Visa International during mutual settlements in shopping centers and service points have been performing additional operation on currency conversion. It was implemented when mutual settlements in shopping centers and service points of the country are made in national currency. After completion of currency conversion operation there was an essential difference observed between purchases made in cash and payment cards use method.

In order to settle the given problem the National Bank of Tajikistan in September of current year has entered into the agreement on participation of payment system Visa International Service Association in the national system of mutual settlements of Tajikistan .

Since today the National Bank of Tajikistan plays a role of the bank on mutual settlements at making sale and purchase of goods and services with use of cards Visa International in the territory of the republic.

It is necessary to note that implementation of this project promotes the increase of non-cash mutual settlements share and development of modern means of electronic payments such as payment effected by bank cards and also promotes a wide use of these modern payment means among the population and strengthening of national payment system.


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