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Terms of Reference Consultant/Consulting firm to prepare Request for Proposal (RFP) for Core Banking System (CBS) for the National Bank of Tajikistan


The purpose of this ToR is to seek consultant/consulting firm to prepare Request for Proposal (RFP) report for the selection of the Core Banking System (CBS) by the National Bank of Tajikistan, including customization and localization. The Core Banking System should be able to technologically perform central banking functionalities. Business activity should be covered by the selected CBS including:

• Client information;

• Bank accounts and settlements;

• Cash management;

• Transfers and Payments;

• Conversion;

• Structured products;

• Interbank loans and deposits;

• Forex;

• Asset management;

• Unallocated bullion accounts, coins;

• Reporting (Ad-hoc, KPI, Analysis);

• Accounting;

• Integration services.


Objective The objective of the RFP is to provide the National Bank of Tajikistan with better solution and implementation plan for new Core Banking System.

Scope of work

1. Define general requirements

• Requirements for tender

• Requirements for contract conditions

• Qualification Requirements to the CBS potential Vendor

• Qualification Requirements for the Partner of CBS potential Vendor

2. Elaborate Core Banking System specifications

• Functional requirements

• Requirements for Application architecture

• Software and hardware requirements for CBS

• CBS performance requirements

• Requirements for Information security

• Other requirements

3.Define scope of work for vendors

• Gap Identification and Resolution

• Implementation of Core Banking Project

• Data Archival

• Data Migration

• Provision of Test Environment

Approach and Methodology

1. Workshop

Organizing a workshop as a series of interviews or panel discussion meetings with different correspond departments and business owners of the bank. The subject areas, which aim to cover are:

• Business Strategy

• The current Application Architecture

• Reporting The primary goals of workshop organisation:

• To understand strategic vision of the bank for future development

• To understand dependencies and possibilities of phased approaches for implementing the CBS

• To develop action plan (roadmap)

2. Analysis

• Analysis of current and planned business processes of the Bank

• Analysis of accounting and reporting requirements of the Bank.

Deliverables and Schedule

• The duration of this Project is expected to be approximately two (2) months and the goal is to have the RFP report including the final presentations.

• Based on the recommended business processes, recommend changes to the business schemes applicable to the departments, divisions, services.

• Provide and present final RFP in Russian and English.

• The RFP to be delivered in the form of documents and a digital format.

• The documents must be accompanied by a summary presentation file (preferably in Microsoft PowerPoint).

• The report should be sufficient enough to identify the CBS for the NBT. Any additional information from bidders should be included within the amount of contract.

Requirements for candidate

• Practical experience (not less than 5 years) in this area;

• Experience working in less developed and/or countries with transitional economy;

• Know ledge in the area of Core banking systems and central bank activities.

• Excellent knowledge of Russian and English languages

NBT Support and Resources

• List of main business processes and programs being performed by each department and division;

• Other organizational information as requested and as is available.

• Suitable office space to the consultant, equipped with phone and the Internet;

• Facilitate and schedule all meetings necessary for the consultant to carry out the assignment;

Interested companies / candidates can send their proposals by e-mail. Quotation must be submitted in sealed envelope to address below Attention to : Preparation of technical specifications (RFP) to the Automated Banking System for the National Bank of Tajikistan" by January 25, 2016. Until 17:00 local time:

National Bank of Tajikistan

Rudaki Avenue, 107A, Dushanbe city, 734003,

Republic of Tajikistan Tel: + 992 44 600 35 02, + 992 44 600 32 50


For more information contact: + 992 44 600 32 50

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