Meeting with Hujatullah Faghoni

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Meeting with Hujatullah Faghoni

The issues on improvement of effective bilateral cooperation in sphere of development of economy, banking system of two countries having single language and religion, the general history and traditions, today on February 17, current year have been discussed during the meeting of the Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan Mr J. Nurmahmadzoda with the Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Tajikistan Hujatullah Faghoni.


At the beginning of the meeting J. Nurmahmadzoda has familiarized the Ambassador of IRI Hujatullah Fagoni and his attendants with a current situation in banking system of the country, and also with innovations and reforms in the National Bank of Tajikistan, which are carried out with the view of improvement of the given sphere. During the meeting the Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistanthe has expressed the gratitude to the Iranian party, especially Iranian banks working in our Republic, for supporting credit institutions during the crisis period.

The Government of the Republic of Tajikistan by acceptance and practical realization of laws and legal statuses and also carrying out policy of open doors and safeguarding has made favorable conditions to foreign institutions and to manufacturing companies for creation of joint enterprises, to inflow of investments and financing of various sectors of economy of the Republic.

In this connection, the Ambassador of Islamic Republic of Iran requested the Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan to raise bilateral cooperation to a new level between banks of both countries.


The Ambassador of Iran Hujatullah Fagoni supported the offer of Jamshed Nurmahmadzoda and has expressed readiness of his country, and also the Iranian investors for development cooperation in sphere of the economy, including banking system of Tajikistan. He has noticed that after removal of long-term economic sanctions, possibilities of the country for expansion of bilateral cooperation in various sectors of economy have increased. At the same time, the Iranian banks, which operate in the territory of Tajikistan, plan to open by the support of National Bank of Tajikistan the branches and representations in regions and cities of the republic, make a contribution, thus to development of banking system.

During conversation the important issues and other aspects of mutually advantageous cooperation also have been discussed.


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