It is necessary to fight against corruption jointly

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It is necessary to fight against corruption jointly

With the view of Decree of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan «On strategy of counteraction against corruption in the Republic of Tajikistan in 2013-2020. », on February 26 of current year with the employees of the National Bank of Tajikistan was held the next meeting of responsible persons of the Agency for State Financial Control and Fight with corruption of the republic.

In the beginning of Meeting the Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan Mr.Sirojiddin Ikromov has noticed, that the purpose of carrying out of this meeting is suppression of such extreme displays in a today's society, as corruption activity, abusing official responsibilities, bribery, settlements of corruption character and etc.


After that responsible persons of the Agency for State Financial Control and Fight with corruption have supported on risk corruption analysis, exclusion and prevention of corruption factors, deep reasoning of their negative consequences, implicit performance of requirements of the anticorruption legislation and its realization in practice.

Representatives of the Agency for State Financial Control and Fight with corruption have given the full information on performance «Strategy of counteraction of corruption in the territory of RT for 2013-2020 » in the ministries and agencies, local executive agencies of the state action and city government and municipal organs of towns and villages, and also about achievements and existing problems in this direction.


In particular, it was marked, that the given strategy as the important state document put the steady base to strengthening of struggle and suppression of crimes and offences of corruption character, having provided all issues concerning anti-corruption drive, an operational experience of law enforcement organs and the statistical analysis of a situation with corruption. At the same time it has pointed, that the ministries and agencies and other state local governments were obliged to carry out corresponding interaction with Agency for State Financial Control and Fight with corruption for realization of a plan of measures in sphere of anti-corruption drive.

During the meeting also it has been noticed, for analyses and supplying of effective performance of requirements «in the Republic of Tajikistan on 2013 – 2020 » and other corresponding normative legal acts and suppression of corruption acts it is necessary to carry out explanatory works, seminars and implement other actions in institutions and enterprises.

Also, it was explained necessity to make changes and supplements to Constitution (Organic law) of the Republic of Tajikistan to participants of the meeting. It was pointed, that for non admission of youth involving in various terrorist parties and groups, it should be taken practical measures, because this tendency can make a negative influence to modern society and direct the youths to slippery slope.

At the end of meeting the Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan Mr.Sirojiddin Ikromov has considered this meeting as timely and pointed that NBT plans to improve bilateral cooperation with the Agency for State Financial Control and Fight with corruption in sphere of prevention of the corruption facts and for increase of level of anticorruption awareness of employees of banking system, all necessary measures will be initiated.


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