The parliament of the country has approved an amendments to the Criminal Code and Administrative Violations Code of the RT

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The parliament of the country has approved an amendments to the Criminal Code and Administrative Violations Code of the RT

Majlisi Namoyandagon of Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan has approved amendments to the Criminal Code and Administrative Violations Code of the RT with the view of regulation of foreign currency, today on March 9 current year.

The First Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan Mr. Jamoliddin Nuraliev has addressed the members of parliament on structural reforms of the National Bank of Tajikistan. He has noticed, on purpose of toughening of punishment for illegal currency circulation is prevention of law violation in this direction.

Mr. Jamoliddin Nuraliev has noticed, one of the main tasks of the National Bank of Tajikistan is reduction of difference between official and market rate of foreign currency in cash for the shortest time. Today it is regulated a difference between official and a market rate of foreign currency in cash by the gradual decrease in a difference between rates. Also effective measures on increase of population’s trust to banking system, lowering of dollarization in economy and prevention of illegal circulation of foreign currency will be undertaken in future. One of such measure is prevention of illegal circulation of foreign currency, realization of which requires amendments to be made into the RT legislation. For this purpose it was developed and presented the draft law of the Republic of Tajikistan « On amending and supplement of Criminal Code of the Republic of Tajikistan» for toughening of criminal sanction for illegal circulation of a foreign currency and crime prevention.

According to the Article 541 of the RT’s Code on Administrative Violation in revision for illegal circulation of currency the physical persons will be fined on 50 to 100 indicators for calculation (TJS 2000-4000), authorities on 100 to 200 indicators settlement (TJS 4000-8000) and legal entities on 300 to 600 indicators settlement (TJS 12000-24000) with confiscation of a subject of an administrative violations.

According to amended mentions to the first part of Article 286 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Tajikistan, the persons who repeatedly make illegal turnover of a foreign currency after paying the administrative fine, there will be charged a fine on 200 to 365 indicators for calculation or imprisonment within two years, at the second part of the given Article a fine on 730 to 1095 indicators settlement or imprisonment for 4 till 6 years is imposed. If the mentioned act at the second part of article repeatedly commit by the primary group with preliminary collusion on a large scale, it will be imposed the fine at a rate of 1277 to 1640 indicators for calculation or imprisonment for 7 till 9 years.

It is necessary to notice, that the given project of codes which has been accepted today by Deputies of Majlisi Namoyandagon of Majlisi Oli of the country will come into force after approval of Majlisi milli and signing by the President of the Republic of Tajikistan.


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