The number of banking servicing center, money transfer and cash servicing points has increased to 129 units

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The number of banking servicing center, money transfer and cash servicing points has increased to 129 units

Firstly, we should note that last year NBT held a number of reforms exactly for rise of level competitiveness of credit institutions of the republic, ensuring a conformity of activities of financial institutions to modern international standards, and also tightening of monetary policy of the republic, supporting national economy and ensuring on atmosphere of trust in banking system of the country.

In 2015 for the purpose of improvement and regulation of activities of microcredit institutions, microcredit deposit institutions and micro lending funds the NBT worked out three instructions for maintenance of competitiveness of credit institutions should increase the nominal capital with schedule dates. In this period some credit institutions have replenished their nominal capital and some of them through merger will compare the nominal capital to set amount. Unfortunately, there were cases when some credit institutions for not carrying out NBT’s condition of instructions they apply with request on voluntary stopping activities of NBT.

If we look to world banking practice we will see, that microcredit institutions and micro lending funds from the stage of stiff competition of banking system is not the new case. Thus, in market economy conditions of different countries of the world daily hundreds, even thousand companies and institutions are closed because of competition and instead of them in the same number there are opened new enterprises and institutions.

For example, in Russia territories according to decision of the Central Bank of Russia the activity of more than 200 credit institutions have been stopped in 2014-2015. Moreover, only for two and a half month of current year in Russia territories there was withdrawn a license for carrying out of banking operations of 26 credit institutions. Such cases can observe in banking system of other neighboring countries.

It should be noted, the National Bank of Tajikistan does not make decisions for stopping activities of credit institution without any foundation and convincing evidence. Because of bad financial statement and inconsistence to requirements of established standards some credit institutions will stop their activity.

The National Bank of Tajikistan daily announces all information concerning banking system of the country on its official site. During recent weeks, information on stopping of several credit institutions activities in the country was concerned and preconceived in republic’s mass-media. Accordingly, we inform that in banking system of the country a license for carrying out of banking operation in the 16 microcredit institutions and 1 micro lending fund on basis of application about voluntary liquidation are withdrawn. For confirmation, we provide the following information to the readers. There are employed 38 persons in 17 abovementioned institutions, and each of these institutions had only two or three workers. With this number of specialists it is impossible to carry out several banking operations at the same time. We can’t say about a high level of client servicing. Some of these institutions didn’t have true address and office, and those which had an office also the financial service weren’t in good conditions. In these institutions there were not carried out banking operations for a long time. Their interest in total volume of banking activities of the microcredit institutions was insignificant. Currently for these institutions were not undertaken measures for increase of the nominal capital.

Also it should be noted, to discontinuation of activities of some credit institutions, which have not supported to market competition and some credit institutions has showed good advantage and extended possibilities on carrying out of various financial operations, by the Decision of Board of the National Bank of Tajikistan from March 14 of current year LLC Microcredit Deposit Institution "Alif-Sarmoya" has been issued a license for carrying out of banking operations in national and foreign currencies.

At the same time in the banking system of the country one more new bank has started to function. By the Decision of Board of the NBT, CJSC «International Bank of Tajikistan» has been issued a license for carrying out of banking operations in national and foreign currencies that promotes extension of sphere of banking operations, access of population to banking services, extension of qualitative and modern financial services, and also improvement of financial position and national economy development.

We inform about the situation of domestic foreign exchange market and a rate of national currency, according to analyses for last year with world economics and financial crisis a growth factors of foreign exchanges in the country was a speculation from the workers of exchange bureaus. It is no secret, that in previous year the rate of foreign currency in the exchange bureaus was uncontrollable, as a result which has arise significant difference between official and market rate, which was initiated concern to the citizens of the country. By the reason of new reform the exchange bureaus have been closed and their functions were transferred to credit institutions. The continuous transition of new system and realization of any reform requires a certain time. By foundation of banking service center of credit institution the situation has changed and in comparison with depreciation which was held last year and in the first month of current year, the given tendency has regulated and currently the official exchange rate of NBT is equal to market rate.

Currently in the republic instead of the closed exchange bureaus of the credit institutions 129 banking servicing center, money transfer and cash servicing point were opened (given number is not definitive), and some of them work round the clock. Their amount makes more than 4 thousand units.

Finally, it is possible to note that the goal of reforms of the National Bank of Tajikistan is maintenance of conformity of banking system of the country to modern international standards, realization of monetary system at high level, and also extensive support of real economy of the country.


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