It’s not used correct reference in the article

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It’s not used correct reference in the article

Response to News Agency Asia-plus «Money transfers from Russia to Tajikistan in 2015 have decreased to 66 %» from March 22, 2016

Firstly, let us to introduce the information concerning trans-border money transfers, which are used on of the Central Bank of Russian Federation.

We inform the author about the data for trans-border transfers, it is necessary to pay attention to table header, which explain indicator values listed in the tables. In published information the reference on Prtld=svs has been used by the author, section reflecting trans-border money transfer of physical persons carried out by payment systems. On assessment of trans-border money transfers it is necessary to use the same reference on PrtId=svs, section of «trans-border transfers of physical person by main countries-counterparts».

Also, it is necessary to notice to list « money transfer of physical persons from Russia to Tajikistan» where it is clearly pointed the precise figures.

According to official data of mentioned site for last year the reduction of money transfer from Russia to Tajikistan has made 42, 4%.

At the same time, money transfers to our country come from other countries of the world.


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