Comments of the National Bank of Tajikistan on «Basel AML Index - 2016»

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Comments of the National Bank of Tajikistan on «Basel AML Index - 2016»

The AML Index of Basel Institute on Governance concerning the

Republic of Tajikistan is incorrect

The research report of Basel Institute on Governance published in 2015 and 2016 shown the Republic Tajikistan in a prominent place in field of money laundering and terrorism financing has been made on the basis of unreliable information. In the given researching material it was made an absolutely incorrect analysis of activity of states in the field of Anti-money Laundering and Combating Terrorism Financing (AML/FT).

In particular, in the given report those states assessed according to Recommendations 40+9 FATF and new recommendations 40 FATF are investigated jointly not separately while as Recommendations 40+9 and new Recommendations 40 FATF essentially differ.

Also in the “Basel AML Index - 2016”, states, which have more low rating are included to “grey list” of FATF. The inclusion to “grey list” of FATF shows a weak strategy of development of state in field of AML/FT. We remind that the Republic Tajikistan is not included to the given list and it also shows sound AML/FT system of our state (1,2).

In addition to it while assessment of AML/FT of the Republic of Tajikistan and awarding of negative rating, the Institute used irrelevant and doubtful sources of information.

For example, the given Institute ignoring reports of the Euroasian Group and FATF Group concerning removal of Republic Tajikistan from “ grey list” in 2014, has awarded a rating to the Republic of Tajikistan on the basis of mutual assessment 2008.

It is important to underline that the Republic of Tajikistan in 2014 has been included by Eurasian Group and Financial Action Task Force (FATF) to list of countries completely adhering to requirements of given institutions (3,4).

Taking into consideration the fact that authoritative international institutions as FATF and Eurasian Group have positively assessed national AML/FT system of the Republic of Tajikistan, a publication of similar materials is inexpedient.

The National Bank of Tajikistan asks mass media to check up and to comprehensively analyze facts and materials before their publication and also to pay special attention on reliability of used information sources.

The development of AML/FT of the Republic of Tajikistan was published in the following sources (sites):

4) statement/,,

Financial Monitoring


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