Meeting of Mr. Jamoliddin Nuraliev with Mr. Gian Piero Cigna

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Meeting of Mr. Jamoliddin Nuraliev with Mr. Gian Piero Cigna

Today, on January 24, current year Mr. Jamoliddin Nuraliev, First Deputy Chairman of the National bank of Tajikistan held a meeting with delegation of the EBRD Representative Office headed by Mr. Gian Piero Cigna.

The given meeting has taken place in the framework of the EBRD’s TA project for the NBT on assessment of corporate governance in credit institutions of Tajikistan.


During the meeting the parties have discussed issues of regulation in the sphere of corporate governance of credit institutions, principles of corporate governance of the NBT, mechanisms of introduction of the given principles in credit institutions, methodological principles of inspections held by the National Bank of Tajikistan and also realization of essential measures after inspections and other issues concerning the EBRD TA project for the NBT on realization of an assessment of corporate governance in credit institutions of the Republic of Tajikistan.


Mr. Jamoliddin Nuraliev, First Deputy Chairman of NBT has informed that due to weak corporate governance in some credit institutions they have faced financial problems caused weakening of banking system as a whole. «just for elimination of arisen problems in banking system of the country the main task of banks in 2017 is appropriate implementation of corporate governance», has noted during the meeting Mr. J. Nuraliev, First Deputy Chairman of NBT.

In turn, Mr. Gian Piero Cigna, Senior Counselor of the Legal Department of EBRD has underlined that for rendering technical assistance in the field of corporate governance development it is necessary to have information on banks and methods of their corporate governance. It was noted that only after analysis and consideration of reports and data on banks the EBRD can implement its programs in banking system of Tajikistan.


Concerning implementation of corporate governance projects in banking system of Tajikistan as well as at first instance implementation of corporate governance in problem banks Mr. S. Ikromi, Deputy Chairman of the NBT has said that EBRD can submit its proposals. Only after coordination parties can implement the EBRD program on improvement of corporate governance in problem banks.

At the end of meeting parties have come to opinion that for realization of Programs on corporate governance development they intend to take an advantage of EBRD experience.

In this connection, the management of the National Bank of Tajikistan has approved a decision on close cooperation for strengthening of supervision of banking system, which will promote a development of corporate governance with use of rich experience of the EBRD Bank in this matter.


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