«Tajikistan-Qatar: Beyond business»

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«Tajikistan-Qatar: Beyond business»

The Founder of Peace and National Unity - Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon on February 5, 2017 in his official visit framework to Doha of the State of Qatar held a meeting with financial and investment circles of Qatar state. The Leader of Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan Honorable Emomali Rahmon addressed the meeting with the opening speech and noted that this meeting ensures a good opportunity for better introduction of advantageous ways and directions of bilateral cooperation, including attraction of foreign investment to the economy of Tajikistan.

The management of the National Bank of Tajikistan (NBT) – Mr. J.Nurmahmadzoda, Chairman of the NBT and Mr. J.Nuraliev, First Deputy Chairman of the NBT have participated in the meeting along with other members of the Government of RT.


In this regard, Mr. J. Nuraliev, First Deputy Chairman of the NBT has addressed the attendees of meeting, financial and investment circles of Qatar, with detailed presentation “Tajikistan - Qatar : Beyond business” on wide investment opportunities of Tajikistan in various economic sectors such as energy, hydropower, oil and gas, manufacturing, mining, agriculture and processing, aluminum, banking system and tourism.

In the beginning of presentation Mr. Nuraleiv has briefly informed about macroeconomic situation and investment conditions in the Republic of Tajikistan. It was noted that as of today there are majority of important economic projects and programs implementing in Tajikistan, which needs in attraction of more foreign investments and modern technologies.


During the presentation it was noted that there are favorable conditions for attraction of foreign investments to Tajikistan including availability of four Free Economic Zones located close to the borders, human resource potential and skilled labour, close cooperation with partners on export including mining, cotton, gold, energy and on import side - oil products and non-precious metals.


The First Deputy Chairman of NBT Mr. J.Nuraliev has mentioned in its presentation that the Republic of Tajikistan has favorable opportunities and conditions for attraction of investments. In addition, implementation of some important reforms, safe security conditions for foreign investments attraction, protection of investors rights, availability of different administrative and tax privileges for foreign investors were highlited during his presentation. It was underlined that considering implementing reforms and improvement of investment climate, Tajikistan has jumped 12 ranks in 2010 and , and impressive 6 ranks in 2011 and 36 ranks in 2015 in WB ranking, which is very good indicator. Moreover, implemented reforms in electronic filling of taxes, credit bureau, easier construction permit, further elimination of unnecessary rules promoting low level of crime and safe sense of personal security, stable economic and political situation in the country and high speed of poverty reduction issues were delivered to the attention of attendees.


During the presentation, it was underlined that despite turbulent decade for the global economy, Tajikistan maintained a steady and resilient positive economic growth. Apart from aforementioned, the profit repatriation of investors including Diagram of increasing profit level of foreign investors for the last 6 years, well connection to global airlines network, further extension of airlines for connection to the country, similar culture and values, same religion, same holidays and same stories were underlined in his presentation.

First Deputy Chairman of NBT Mr. J.Nuraliev during presentation has attracted the attention of attendees to attraction of investments to the Republic of Tajikistan mainly to hydropower, financial, mining,tourism and agriculture sectors. It was noted that there are wide opportunities in hydropower sector and already 8 specific projects being implemented in this field and joining of attended investors to these projects would be welcomed. Mr. J.Nuraliev also has noted a favorable conditions for investments to banking system, low deposit investment risk and good opportunity for receiving incomes from it, favorable conditions for capitalization of banks by foreign investors, development of Islamic Banking laws and adoption of legislation. It was also underlined about availability of opportunities for increase of foreign reserves for account of investments.


The implementation of different projects in hydropower, light and foodstuffs industry, construction of mining plants, construction materials production, agricultural products processing, creation of tourism, including eco-tourism were assessed as priority and important sectors for mutual beneficial cooperation of financial and investment circles of Tajikistan and Qatar.

In the final part of the presentation it was noted about Investment platform and Investors Protection by law on investments and foreign investment. It was underlined that the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan has granted the same rights and opportunities to domestic and foreign investors and does not interfere to their business. It was noted in the presentation that for introduction of modern technologies, arrangement of production and export of different industries products and supporting and ensuring development of business and investment there are certain advantages and guarantees in the legislation of Tajikistan established, including more than 240 lists of priorities and preferences, it was also ensured of conditions for open competition in the internal market of goods and services, capital and exchange markets.


In the conclusion of the meeting Mr. J.Nuraliev has invited financial and business circles of Qatar to visit Tajikistan for arrangement of mutual beneficial cooperation in the above mentioned branches and to familiarize closely with existing opportunities and potential in our country on site.

It should be noted that during the official visit of the Founder of Peace and National Unity - Leader of Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan Honorable Emomali Rahmon to Qatar (February 5-6, 2017) in high level meeting and discussion of issues at attendance of heads of the states, 8 new acts were signed on cooperation following the results of the meeting, where Memorandum of Understanding between the National Bank of Tajikistan and Central Bank of Qatar on cooperation in financial activity and banking sector was one of the signed acts.

Presentation: “Tajikistan – Qatar: Beyond business”


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