Winner of “Cup of banks” was defined

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Winner of “Cup of banks” was defined

There was competition “Cup of banks” held in Training Centre of the National Bank of Tajikistan within the frame of bilateral cooperation program of the National Bank of Tajikistan and German Savings Banks Foundation for the International Cooperation from March 28 to March 31, 2017.


The purpose of the given economic competition with participation of five teams of country banks – SSB RT “Amonatbonk”, OJSC “Eskhata bank”, CJSC “First microfinancing bank”, CJSC “Kazkommertsbank Tajikistan” and CJSC “AccessBank Tajikistan” is improvement of banks’ senior executives qualification.

During competition different major banking aspects, like liquidity planning, rates of operations on assets and obligations, evaluation of banking indicators, banking strategy, planning and retraining of personnel have been considered by teams. All participating teams had presented conditional programs of separate annual balance and indicators connected with activity of the conditional organisation.


During competition among five teams – Team of OJSC “Eskhata bank” according to the given requirements on the basis of available information has performed good and efficient governance of conditional bank and with the best program has been recognised the winner of the given bank competition, becoming the winner of “Cup of banks”.

CJSC “Kazkommertsbank Tajikistan” came the second, CJSC “AccessBank Tajikistan” the third, SSB RT “Amonatbonk” has got the fourth place and on the fifth place was CJSC “First microfinancing bank”.

Ms. Tatyana Feldgan, Ms. Inna Masur - representatives of German Savings Banks Foundation for the International Cooperation and representatives of the National Bank of Tajikistan have awarded the Cup to winners and wished successes to participants of competition and implement in practice the gained experience.


It is necessary to note that organisation of such competitions between banks creates good ground for development of banking system and improvement of skills and abilities of employees of the credit organisations in the country.

At the end of competition hosts of “Cup of banks” have underlined that similar competitions will be held in future.


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