AFI member-countries share mutual experience

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AFI member-countries share mutual experience

On the third day of AFI’s 15th Financial Inclusion Data (FID) Working Group and 10th Financial Inclusion Strategy (FIS) Peer Learning Group Meetings that continues from April 24, 2017 in the Training Center of the National Bank of Tajikistan, representatives of the Meeting made Presentations on their countries’ experience on Financial Inclusion and discussed relating issues in two Group Sessions. 


Particularly, Ms. Celina Megan Lee, Malaysia, Mr. Amar Seck, Senegal, Mr. Peter Marek, Central Bank of Nigeria, Ms. Jenny Romero, Central Bank of Philippines, Ms. Nomcebo Hadebe, Swaziland and Mr. Mackay Aomu, Bank of Uganda presented information on methods and practice of assessments made on financial inclusion in their countries, taking into account specific national features and culture of population, inhabiting these countries.


During discussions participants have expressed that some methods and practice of assessments made on financial inclusion in their countries differ from other countries, with the account of specific national features and culture. From other hand, at active participation in discussion of problems, participants have expressed that they will use a best practice for future assessment considering national features and culture of population of these countries.


It should be noted that on the third day of AFI’s 15th Financial Inclusion Data (FID) Working Group and 10th Financial Inclusion Strategy (FIS) Peer Learning Group Meetings it was delivered lectures for participants in two groups: “Learning of Financial Inclusion Strategу” and “Learning Financial Inclusion Date” on technique of conducting of assessments and development of questionnaires for future period, and the procedure of development of questionnaires, their role in assessment of financial inclusion for the Determination of this or that countries’ status in international level and the means of elimination of existing problems were considered during discussions. 


It worth to note that the Alliance for Financial Inclusion is the first international information network of central banks and other financial regulating institutions of developing countries, and Meetings of Working Groups are held twice by the Alliance by turn in different member-countries every year. 


The AFI head-office is based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and more than 120 institutions from 90 countries worldwide are members of the given Alliance. The National Bank of Tajikistan is a full-fledged member of AFI since December, 2011, and in the frame of cooperation with AFI uses reasonable efforts for promotion of knowledge, experience and increasing opportunities of financial inclusion in Tajikistan.


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