Jamshed Nurmahmadzoda and Jan-Peter Olters: issues of development of effective cooperation were discussed

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Jamshed Nurmahmadzoda and Jan-Peter Olters: issues of development of effective cooperation were discussed

On May 12, 2017 Mr Jamshed Nurmahmadzoda, Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan has met with Mr. Jan-Peter Olters, newly appointed World Bank Permanent Representative in Tajikistan.

In the beginning of meeting Mr. Jamshed Nurmahmadzoda has noted very effective activity of Ms. Patricia Veevers-Carter, former WB Representative for Tajikistan, and has expressed willingness of continuation of active cooperation.


During meeting parties have exchanged views on situation in banking system of the country, implementation of reforms in this direction, actions effected on prevention of influence of external factors on banking system of the country, necessity of investment to economy, including banking system, private sector, agriculture and other key topics. Moreover, cooperation in the field of banking system of the country which is one of priority orientations of economy was one of the important themes of discussion.

Mr Jamshed Nurmahmadzoda, Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan also has expressed satisfaction on level of bilateral cooperation with the World Bank and has greeted newly appointed Mr. Jan-Peter Olters, newly appointed Permanent Representative of the World Bank in Tajikistan and has wished successes of the further activity in the given post.


In turn Mr. Jan-Peter Olters has noted that the World Bank is ready to expand cooperation in financial sphere, including private sector, playing the key role in financial stability of the country. He has underlined that the World Bank currently is developing medium-term program of cooperation with the Republic of Tajikistan and its major directions will be determined during bilateral discussion.

During a meeting Ms. Naoko C. Kojo, Expert of the World Bank on economic analysis also has taken part, presenting detailed information on goals and content of Systematic Country Diagnostic (SCD), on which scope range the World Bank interaction mainly depends in sphere of realisation of investment programs and creation of favorable investment climate for further development of economy, including banking system of the country. She also has told from her experience in other CIS countries, which have faced problems in banking system. Taking into account this experience the National Bank of Tajikistan has expressed interest in attraction of skilled adviser in banking system for long-term cooperation. Representatives of the World Bank have promised to consider the given issue.

At the end of the meeting, which was conducted in mutual understanding and mutually advantageous atmosphere for both Parties, the Parties have noted with satisfaction the unified position of cooperation and have confirmed a willingness to expand cooperation, in those spheres which have been discussed during the meeting.


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