Results of visit of the NBT Chairman to the USA

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Results of visit of the NBT Chairman to the USA

On October 11-14, 2017, the official delegation of the Republic of Tajikistan consisting of the NBT Chairman J. Nurmahmadzoda, Minister of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan A. Qurboniyon, Ambassador of the Republic of Tajikistan to the United States Farhod Salim, Representative of the Republic of Tajikistan in the World Bank and IMF Ilhom Rajabov and Head of International Relations Department of NBT Farkhod Bilolov arrived to Washington (USA) to participate in the Annual Meetings of the IMF and World Bank Group, during which a number of productive meetings were held.

Addressing the participants of the US Business Council - Tajikistan, which was held with participation of representatives of the US business circles, the Chairman of the NBT J. Nurmahmadzoda, has informed the audience in detail about the efforts of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan aimed at creating a favorable investment climate, investing in priority sectors of the economy, including hydropower sector, tourism, banking system and share of domestic markets in world securities markets.

It was underlined that the activities of the Council contribute to the expansion of cooperation between Tajikistan and the United States.


During the visit, the NBT Chairman J. Nurmahmadzoda also held a number of meetings with representatives of international financial organizations and foreign investors.

An exchange of views took place between the NBT Chairman and Deputy Managing Director of the IMF Mr. Tao Zhang regarding the implementation of preliminary measures in the framework of the IMF new program, need for the IMF new program and urgency of attracting resources under this program. It was noted that the Republic of Tajikistan is willing to expand mutually beneficial cooperation with the IMF and hopes for resumption of the IMF new program for the Republic of Tajikistan. To achieve the development goals and maintain financial and banking stability, the parties will take all necessary measures.


During this visit, the NBT Chairman also met with Chairman of the National Bank of Switzerland Thomas Jordan and the Swiss Minister of Finance Uli Mauer.

The NBT Chairman noted that over more than 20 years of cooperation, Switzerland represented the interests of Tajikistan in the Board of Directors of the IMF and the World Bank in enhancing the capacity of the NBT in matters of monetary policy, management of international reserves and risks. The close mutually beneficial cooperation of the NBT with the National Bank of Switzerland was emphasized in partnership with the IMF, World Bank and Department for International Development (DFID) to support the development of banking sector.

“This is evidenced by establishment of cooperation with Swiss counterparts, including increasing the NBT's capacity to manage international reserves, risk management, monetary policy and helping to establish good partnerships with commercial banks in Switzerland, "said J.Nurmahmadzoda. 


Addressing the meeting with the IMF's constituency (hereinafter referred to as the IMF Group), the Chairman of NBT thanked for opportunity to participate in the event in honor of the 25th anniversary of cooperation between the countries within the IMF Group. He also congratulated Mr. Miroslav Panek on his appointment to the position of the IMF Executive Director, noting that during the Swiss chairmanship in the constituency, all interests and initiatives of members of the group were taken into account and subsequently, thanks to the support of the Swiss side, received positive decisions in the Board of Directors.

The existing practice of partnership between the members of the Group and the Office of Executive Directors contributed not only to the representation of votes and protection of interests of member-countries, but also to capacity of country advisers from the member-countries of the Group. In this connection, J. Nurmahmadzoda expressed the hope that the current Chairman of the IMF Group will follow the established practice and also as his predecessor will support the initiatives of the Group members on the IMF Board of Directors.

In conclusion, the Chairman of NBT J. Nurmahmadzoda stressed the need to support the constituency in adoption of the IMF program for Tajikistan (given the fact that the last program for Tajikistan was held in 2009) in order to mitigate the consequences of the crisis and implement planned reforms.

The implementation of the program with the IMF support was the subject of a bilateral meeting between the NBT Chairman and Director of the IMF Middle East and Central Asia Department, Jihad Anzur.


During the meeting, J. Nurmahmadzoda has noted the Review on Article IV of the IMF program and its publication, outcome of discussions on the implementation of preliminary measures under the IMF new program, need for a new program and urgency of attracting resources under this program, and especially technical assistance. At the same time, the Chairman of NBT has noted that the IMF program will be aimed at strengthening economic stabilization and promoting broad structural reforms, in particular in the financial and banking sectors to eliminate the effects of financial crisis and its negative impact on the economy.

During the working visit and fruitful meetings, the Chairman of NBT, J. Nurmahmadzoda, expressed his confidence in further development and strengthening of mutually beneficial cooperation in priority areas of the economy including the banking sector.

Press-Division NBT

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