Towards a cashless economy

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Towards a cashless economy

Forum on “Towards a cashless economy” was held by the initiative of the National Bank of Tajikistan in cooperation with International Payment Systems “Visa International”, “UnionPay International” and credit institutions on December 8, 2017.


Representatives of corresponding national Ministries and Agencies, representatives of local executive office of the Government of Dushanbe have participated in the work of Forum and also representatives of international financial institutions, mass media and Mobile Network Operators.

“The aim to hold this Forum is enabling the participants of the Forum to share with information and experience on implementation of modern innovative technologies in sphere of payment services, achievements of credit institutions and companies in the field of development of non-cash payments in the country, also to discuss the issues and ways of further development of clearing settlements, safety issues of use of electronic and digital payment services and their regulation”, - has noted during opening of the Forum Ms. Lola Salimova, NBT Deputy Chairman.


During the Forum, representatives of International Payment Systems including, Mr. Galim Tabildiev, General Manager of “Visa International” in the countries of Central Asia, Ms. Christina Dorosh, Head of “Visa International” products Department in the CIS and Southeast Europe, Mr. Kuanish Tankiev, Regional Representative “UnionPay International” in Central Asia, Mr. Andrey Wong, Product Manager «UnionPay International» and Mr. Alexey Shevtsov, “UnionPay International” Design Manager in Central Asia have acted with reports on advantages of electronic payments, technological trends: new possibilities for banking industry, modern trends in clearing settlements.

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In turn participants of the payment services market of the republic, including, representatives National processing centre of payment system “Korti milli”, SSB of RT “Amonatbank”, CJSC “Kazkommertsbank Tajikistan”, CJSC “Spitamen Bank”, LLC MCDO “Alif-Sarmoya”, LLC MCDO “Humo” have made speech on such themes as payments without barriers, modern trends of development of payment services, new horizons in cashless payments and development of m-commerce.


In whole, during the Forum the issues of development of clearing settlements, modern trends of development of payment services and use of advanced technologies, new opportunities of banking industry, current situation of payment services market, challenges, solutions and ways of further development of clearing settlement in the republic were discussed.

It should be noted that with adoption of Law of the Republic of Tajikistan “On payment services and payment system” in March, 2017, there was a legal basis in the field of formation of payment system and procedure of payment services extension for development of payment system in the country.

Press Division

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