Implementation of Programme on improvement of public’s financial literacy in Tajikistan

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Implementation of Programme on improvement of public’s financial literacy in Tajikistan

At the initiative of the International Financial Corporation (IFC) - the WBG member in cooperation with NBT and financial institutions of the country, the general results of first three years of realisation of the Programme on improvement of public’s financial literacy in Tajikistan (2014-2017) has been summarized on December 14, 2017 in Dushanbe.


Mr. Jan-Peter Olters, World Bank Country Manager for Tajikistan, Ms. Manizha Mahmadnabieva, IFC Permanent Representative in Tajikistan, Ms. Malika Ibragimova, National programme Officer for Economic Affairs at the Swiss Cooperation Office Tajikistan and representatives of country’s financial institutions and also mass media have participated in the given event.


At the opening ceremony Ms. Lola Salimova, Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan made a speech and laid special emphasis on the role of financial literacy in facilitation of financial inclusion: “Access to financial services will support to development of production, creation of new jobs and raising the well-being of the people. Therefore, the Government of Tajikistan pays special attention on increment of public’s financial literacy, and it is included as an important issue in a separate paragraph of the National Development Strategy of the Republic of Tajikistan for the period up to 2030”.


Ms. Rukmina Safarova, Head of Banking System Services Consumers Rights Protection Management has started the second part of the meeting with presentation on: “The Role of the National Bank of Tajikistan in improvement of financial literacy process”. Within the limits of the presentation, it was pointed out that the National Bank of Tajikistan as one of the principal partners of the given Programme has actively participated in dissemination of materials on public’s literacy, comprehensively promotes for improvement of public’s financial literacy and inclusion to financial services, especially in the sphere of improvement of public’s literacy level towards a cashless payment system, electronic and digital financial services.


During the meeting, in relation to issues of improvement of public’s financial literacy and access to financial services responsible executives of IFC and representatives of credit institutions, which are the Programme partners, have addressed the participants of event with reports.

Having finalized the meeting, Ms. Zarina Odinaeva, Manager of the WBG Financial Infrastructure and a cashless payments development Programme, has thanked all partners that have contributed in realization of this Programme. She has also noted that within the limits of the Programme on improvement of public’s financial literacy in cooperation with partners more than 313 thousand people were covered during three years of realization (2014 – 2017) and the given Programme will last up to 2020.

Press Division

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