Meeting of experts of “Thomson Reuters” Company with representatives of credit institutions

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Meeting of experts of “Thomson Reuters” Company with representatives of credit institutions

A meeting of experts of “Thomson Reuters” Company with representatives of credit institutions was held on February 16, 2018 in the National Bank of Tajikistan.

The purpose of holding of this meeting was demonstration of “Thomson Reuters” Company service possibilities, including improving compliance activities concerning counteraction to risks which the credit organisations can face.


Mr. Fayzullozoda F., Acting Director of NBT Financial Monitoring Department had welcome address to participants of meeting. During his speech Mr. Fayzullozoda F. has noted that considering global challenges which the credit institutions face, it is necessary to conduct a regular action on revealing, assessment and reduction of risks of practical activities of the credit institutions.

Then, the speech has been given to experts of “Thomson Reuters” Company. In the frame of meeting the experts of this company have held detailed presentation of offered services. The possibilities of services, including revealing physical and legal entities concerning lists of sanctions, regulators or law enforcement authorities have been shown on online mode. Also experts have told entirely about commercial model and special conditions within national subscription.


During the discussion experts of “Thomson Reuters” Company have provided detailed answers for questions of representatives of credit institutions.

At the end of meeting the parties have noted that performed action will support an increase of efficiency level of operation of the internal control of credit institutions and risk minimization of financial system misapplication of the Republic of Tajikistan, particularly, in the field of anti-money laundering and combating financing of terrorism and financing of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

Financial Monitoring Department

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