Regular meeting of Permanent Interdepartmental Commission on AML / CFT / PMDWD issues

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Regular meeting of Permanent Interdepartmental Commission on AML / CFT / PMDWD issues

On February 20, 2018, a regular meeting of the Permanent Interdepartmental Commission (hereinafter referred to as the Commission) on AML/CFT/PMDWD issues was held in the National Bank of Tajikistan under the leadership of Assistant to the President of the Republic of Tajikistan for Legal Affairs Mr. Vatanzod M.M. It should be noted that the main reason for convening the meeting of the Commission was the discussion of preparations for the 2nd round of mutual assessment of National AML/CFT/PMDWD system of the Republic of Tajikistan and the forthcoming visit of experts-appraisers of the EAG group on AML/CFT in Dushanbe scheduled for March 5-15, 2018.


The meeting was opened by welcome address of Mr. Vatanzoda M.M. and subsequently according to certain agenda items, representatives of a number of ministries and departments have addressed the event namely Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan Mr. Ikromi S.S., Deputy Director of Financial Monitoring Department Zakirova T.M. and other members of the Commission.

As part of the Commission meeting Mr. Ikromi S.S. has presented the information on intermediate results of preparations for the 2nd round of mutual assessment and also made a number of proposals for the effective implementation of tasks during this important stage for the state. At the same time, Deputy Director of Financial Monitoring Department Zakirova T.M. familiarizing those present with the preparation process for the 2nd round of mutual assessment, also touched upon the implementation of tasks set by relevant government authorities of the republic.


It should be noted that during the meeting, members of the Commission have expressed their views on issues of the 2nd round of mutual assessment, noted the readiness for the assessment at the highest level.

It should be noted that the achievement of positive outcomes based on the results of the 2nd round of mutual assessment will have a positive impact on the development of various spheres of the state's functioning, namely, improving economic indicators, finances and attracting foreign investments. In this regard, the preparation for a high-level mutual assessment is the task of each state body as well as the private sector.

In addition, within the framework of the meeting of the Commission, a number of issues of practical activities of government authorities of the Republic of Tajikistan in the field of AML/CFT/PMDWD were discussed, in particular:

1. Harmonization of draft laws of the Republic of Tajikistan on making amendments and additions to a number of laws;
2. Discussion of issues of interaction of the Financial Monitoring Department under the National Bank of Tajikistan with government authorities in field of AML/CFT/PMDWD.
Press Division of NBT

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