The 5th meeting of Advisory Council on activities of Internal Audit Services of Central (National) Banks of the Eurasian Economic Union Member-States

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The 5th meeting of Advisory Council on activities of Internal Audit Services of Central (National) Banks of the Eurasian Economic Union Member-States

On April 24-26, 2018 the 5th Meeting of Advisory Council on audit activities of Internal Audit Services of Central (National) Banks of the Eurasian Economic Union member-countries was held at the Training Center of the National Bank of Tajikistan in Guliston town.

Director of Internal Audit Department of the National Bank of Tajikistan Abibulloev N. opening the meeting has welcomed the guests and has noted that in accordance with the decision of Advisory Board on audit activities, the 5th meeting is being held in the Republic of Tajikistan, during which a number of issues will be considered.


Then, Salimova L.J., Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan, has addressed the members of the Advisory Council and participants of the meeting with a formal welcome to the members of the Advisory Council and thanked them for visiting our country and participating in the meeting, and also wished everyone a fruitful work. At the same time, Salimova L.J. has expressed the hope that the work of the Advisory Council will make a worthy contribution to the development of effective cooperation, improvement of regulatory and legal framework, skills and qualifications of auditors of central (national) banks of member-countries. She also expressed her confidence that this meeting in terms of sharing experiences between the participants will play an important role and give a new impulse to development of activities of internal auditors of central (national) banks of member-countries of the Eurasian Economic Union.

The meeting was attended by six members of the Advisory Board: Chief Auditor of the Central Bank of Russian Federation Goreglyad V.P., Head of Internal Audit Main Department of National Bank of the Republic of Belorussia Baturitskaya T.S., Head of Internal Audit Service of the Central Bank of Armenia Chalabyan A.M., Head of Internal Audit Service of the National Bank of Kyrgyz Republic Sharshenova B,V., Deputy Director of Internal Audit Department of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan Akhmetova R.K. and Abibulloev N.A., Director of the Internal Audit Department of the National Bank of Tajikistan as well as representatives of internal audit services of central (national) banks including: specialists of Internal Audit Departments, Payment System Departments and Regional Branch of the National Bank of Tajikistan in Khujand.

It should be noted that this year the Asian Development Bank has showed interest in the work of the Advisory Council. With the consent of the members of the Advisory Council, Chief Auditor of the Asian Development Bank Mr. Hok-Chai Ong and Auditor Ms. Mochinova N.A. took part in its work with report "Initiatives of the Asian Development Bank to develop the public sector potential in the field of audit", which contributed to the expansion of the range of participants and the attractiveness of this important event.


In accordance with the program, the following issues were discussed during the meeting of the Advisory Council:

  • Exchange of experience of central (national) banks on issues of audit of management of payment system functioning and its supervision;
  • Exchange of experience of central (national) banks on issues of audit of management processes of cash circulation and transportation of banknotes;
  • Exchange of experience of central (national) banks on internal and external assessment of internal audit activities;
  • Exchange of experience of central (national) banks in provision of advisory services by the Internal Audit Service;
Exchange of experience of central (national) banks on use of software for automation of internal audit activities and specialized software for automation of audit procedures.

The representatives of internal audit services of central (national banks) have addressed on the agenda issues with papers (presentation) for experience exchange, and answered questions of participants.

A number of organizational issues were considered during the meeting: chairmanship of the Advisory Council was transferred to the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic, a working plan of the Advisory Council for 2019-2020 was approved.

 As a result of the meeting the participants of the Council highly appreciated the organization and holding of this meeting.

Press Division of NBT

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