The 38th Meeting of the Eurasian Council of the Central (national) banks in Tajikistan

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The 38th Meeting of the Eurasian Council of the Central (national) banks in Tajikistan

The 38th Meeting of the Eurasian Council of the Central (national) banks was held on July 4-5, 2018 in the training centre of the National Bank of Tajikistan. Governors and representatives of central (national) banks of the Republic of Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Russian Federation and Interstate bank participated in the meeting.


Having opened the 38th Meeting of the Eurasian Council of the Central (national) banks Sirojiddin Ikromi, Deputy Chairman of NBT has noted that our countries are historically connected as centuries traditions, so established trade and economic relations, which development witnesses on appearance of new perspective directions of cooperation.


During the meeting Sirojiddin Ikromi shortly acquainted the presents with macroeconomic situation of RT and perspectives of its development, including, economy growth, real growth of GDP for 2017 (7,1 %) and for 5 months of 2018. Sirojiddin Ikromi declared that for the purpose of prevention of external influence on macroeconomic indicators some measures were accepted on realization structural reform in banking sphere, and also measures on strengthening of financial systems, developments of insurance sector and Insurance Services Consumers Rights Protection. At the end of his speech Sirojiddin Ikromi, Deputy Chairman of NBT has expressed confidence that decisions, adopted by Meeting, will give additional impulse and will open new possibilities for further extension of mutually advantageous cooperation between our countries in the framework of Eurasian Council of the Central (national) banks.


Then, the Eurasian Council of the Central (national) banks has started consideration of the 38th Meeting Agenda which includes such issues, as progress of implementation’s decision of 36th and 37th Council Meetings, results of work and banking sector development prospects, performance review and currency markets progress trends, results of summary analysis and currency payments, connected with a turnover of goods and services, settlements system using electronic money, balance of payments position and dynamics of international reserves, base directions of macroprudential policy, maintenance of financial stability, Advisory Council’s work on financial services consumer rights protection and other current issues of the Eurasian Council.


Further, Members of Council – Armenak Darbinyan, Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank of Armenia, Sergey Kalechits, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the National Bank of Belorussia, Saida Agambaeva, Deputy Director of Department of analysis and statistics of the National Bank of Kazakhstan, Aynura Tezekbaeva, Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Kyrgyzstan and Alexander Torshin, Deputy Chairman of Bank of Russia have made reports on mentioned issues. Heads of key structural subdivisions of NBT also have taken part in the meeting, who draw the attention of presents to joint resolution of essential problems of branch during the succeed discussions.


Summarizing the meeting, some recommendations for strengthening of cooperation between central (national) banks have been presented by members of council. Including, it has been pointed out that in the modern context, with a view of opposition to external economic pressure and shocks, the central (national) banks of the Eurasian Council, first of all, should cooperate more closely in the field of acceptance of joint efforts on strengthening of a banking sector role, extension of structural and institutional reforms which will directly support the further economic growth of the Eurasian Council member countries.


At the end of meeting, members of the Eurasian Council of the Central (national) banks have adopted the decision that the 39th Meeting of the Eurasian Council of the Central (national) banks will take place in the Republic of Kazakhstan in autumn of current year.

Press Division

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