Meeting of Working Group on preparation of the National Educational Standard on “Economic security”

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Meeting of Working Group on preparation of the National Educational Standard on “Economic security”

The next meeting of interagency Working Group on preparation of the educational standard on “Economic security” has taken place on July 19, 2018 in National Bank of Tajikistan.

The meeting was opened by salutatory address of Faizullo Faizullozoda, Director of Financial Monitoring Department under the National Bank of Tajikistan, then discussion of execution of decisions of previous meeting, and also standard draft of “Economic security” has taken place. In particular, it has been stated that the Ministry of Education and Science should present the detailed information to Working Group on project proposal in the first half of 2018 however it was needed a little more time.


Then Shoev M.E., Cand. Sc. {Philology}, Deputy Head of Post-diploma professional training Management of the Ministry of Education and Science has told about the project of the National educational standard of “Economic security” and about its concept also. It has been noted that it is a working version of the project and taking into account proposals will be updated and final version is presented later. The presentation on the above-stated subjects has been presented.

After presentation, Faizullo Faizullozoda has noted that the proposed project will be forwarded to Working Group members in the nearest future for careful and consecutive study. For timely execution of decisions of meeting and effective realisation of the standard of “Economic security”, Working Group has proposed to present to the Ministry of Education and Science commentary on project in 2 weeks whereas the Ministry of Education and Science was entrusted to present the final version of the project to Financial Monitoring Department before August 13, 2018.

At the same time, representatives of higher educational institutions of the country who participated in the program “Improvement of professional skill of employees in sphere of Anti-Money Laundering and Combating Financing of Terrorism” in association with the National Bank of Tajikistan (Moscow, April 16-20, 2018) information on results of participation on the given action has been presented.
F. Faizullozoda has noted that higher educational institutions play important role in development of standard on “Economic security”, in this connection it is necessary for higher educational institutions to provide conditions in this direction.

In turn, Nasriddinov F.I., Head of Standardization, Wages and population living standards Department of the Institute of Labor, Migration and Employment of Population of the Ministry of Labor, Migration and Employment of Population of the Republic of Tajikistan has briefly presented information on definition and introduction of a code of the educational standard on “Economic security” into “Republican occupation classifier“. At the same time participants of meeting have noted that development of the given standard is expedient.


It should be noted that the information provided by Working Group will be based on full positioning of the further development in the course of processing and realisation of “Economic security” standard, and will form a base for granting of information to the Government of the country.

Financial Monitoring Department

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