Jamoliddin Nuraliev’s meeting with Mr. Sandeep Mahajan

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Jamoliddin Nuraliev’s meeting with Mr. Sandeep Mahajan

On October 16, 2018 there was a meeting between Mr. Jamoliddin Nuraliev, NBT First Deputy Chairman and Mr. Sandeep Mahajan, WB Manager of microeconomic, commerce and investment sector for Europe and the Central Asia Region in the National Bank of Tajikistan.


In the beginning of the meeting Mr. Jamoliddin Nuraliev, NBT First Deputy Chairman has briefly introduced Mr. Sandeep Mahajan with macroeconomic indicators, banking system, realization of some reforms with the view of sufficient implementation of monetary policy with application of modern monetary tools (short-term refinancing operations, including overnight and intra-day credits, credit auctions) and gradual transition to inflation targeting mode in the frame of some Technical Assistance Projects.


Mr. Sandeep Mahajan, WB Manager, in turn, has asked questions on economic situation of the country and share of banking system in this direction, implemented reforms and probable risks preventive measures with the regard to external factors, including subsequent waves of economic inflation, and has expressed his opinion for consolidation of monetary policy and its role on economic stability of the country. During discussion of economic stability and financial system Mr. Sandeep Mahajan has expressed that regardless to effects of crisis pressures by successful completion of reforms in the direction of achievement of state sovereignty rating, attraction of foreign investment to economy, rehabilitation of banking system and maintenance of inflation level in the frame of one digit stable indicators in Tajikistan is good result itself.


In the course of the meeting the parties have exchanged views on some problems, connected with global economic crisis and its consequences on developing countries, including economic reform in the country, state and perspectives of cooperation of the Republic of Tajikistan with the World Bank, the share of strategic partners in the development of economy.

At the end of the meeting Mr. Jamoliddin Nuraliev, NBT First Deputy Chairman with the view of strengthening of cooperation has expressed the hope that the World Bank will realistically and transparently summarize in its economic reports on Tajikistan, considering realized reforms.

The meeting was held in the mutual understanding atmosphere and the issues of development of bilateral fruitful cooperation in the other spheres of banking system and ways of strengthening further partnership were also discussed.

Press Division

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