International Deposit Week

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International Deposit Week

The financial training seminar was organized with senior pupils of the secondary schools of №№ 20 and 36, Dushanbe in the frame of tour to the Museum of the National Bank of Tajikistan at the initiative of the National Bank of Tajikistan in cooperation with the German Savings Banks Foundation for International Cooperation on October 25, 2018.


It should be noted that “International Deposit Week” is carried out in all countries of the world in the second half of October annually, with the aim of improvement of public’s financial literacy, including youth and younger generation. The Republic of Tajikistan also celebrates this event for the third year along with the world developed countries.

With the view of improvement of youth and younger generation’s interest to learning of financial knowledges the National Bank of Tajikistan together with the German Savings Banks Foundation for International Cooperation and commercial banks of countrys actively contributes to the conducting of the event also.


Along with organization of interactive (individual) trainings the schoolchildren were provided with detailed information on showpieces of the Museum of the National Bank of Tajikistan, history of national currency appearance, features and national dignity. Schoolchildren along with introduction with historical showpieces, including mints and dirhams of different periods of history, have listened with great interest and quite attentively to the stories of Mr. Salmon Jamolov, historician, and Museums Manager of the National Bank of Tajikistan. At the end of training seminar schoolchildren have got full and complete answers to their questions, and were presented booklets on history of national currency and showpieces of the NBT Museum that support to improvement of schoolchildren’s financial knowledges.


At the end of the event responsible executives of the Financial System Services Consumers Rights Protection Management have noted that holding of similar training seminars will facilitate an improvement of public’s financial literacy, irrespective of their age and social background.

Press Division

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