Measures on extension of non-cash settlements

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Measures on extension of non-cash settlements

On February 12, 2019 the next meeting of Interagency Working Group with participation of representatives of ministries and departments, public organizations and establishments and credit institutions for realization of the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan “On measures to increase non-cash settlements” as of November 30, 2018, №565 took place in the National Bank of Tajikistan. Mr. Hamidullo Mashrabzoda, Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan has opened the meeting and noted again that extension of non-cash settlements system will promote not only transparency of economy of country, but also supports to attraction of investment and improves maintenance of financial process.


Therefore, ministries and departments, public organizations and establishments were instructed to assume expeditious measures for decent realization of sections of the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan “On measures to increase non-cash settlements”, and realize effective co-operation with credit institutions for acceptance of payments for all types of services, using electronic means. Also, explanatory and agitation activities should be improved via mass media in this period, and foresee expeditious measures for stimulation of legal entities and private entrepreneurs for realization of non-cash settlements, and step by step restrict cash payments, provide corresponding reports in due time on the results of realization of parts of decision of the first meeting of Interagency Working Group, which goal is implementation of non-cash settlement.


During the meeting the representatives of ministries, departments and credit institutions expressed their opinions on realization of parts of decision of the first meeting of Interagency Working Group. Suggestion on lowering of the fee rate for credit institutions servicing was made by the consumers of banking services, i.e., during the next period of realization of this decision the rate of pay for credit institutions servicing should be reconsidered and realized in smaller amount or free of charge at acceptance of non-cash settlements.


In turn, the representatives of credit institutions have provided detailed information on realization of parts of the first working meeting, and invited the representatives of ministries and public establishments for the efficient activities in this direction to provide favourable conditions to population for acceptance of all kinds of non-cash payments and submit a list of executive officials of corresponding agencies, in charge for realization of the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan “On Measures to increase non-cash settlements” to credit institutions. It was also suggested that credit institutions can be connected through SSB of RT “Amonatbank” to billing system of the OJSC “Barqi Tojik”.


Hamidullo Mashrabzoda, Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan has concluded the meeting and invited the members of Interagency Working Group to foresee urgent measures for realization of this decision and succeeded working meetings, submit the detailed information to the National Bank of Tajikistan, including the list of paid services of corresponding agencies in the framework of realization of the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan “On Measures to increase non-cash settlements”. At the end the member of Interagency Working Group has been instructed for joint and effective cooperation on realization of mentioned decision.

Press Division

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