Seminar-meeting on AML/CFT/PWMDFP for the representatives of the Agency of State financial control and struggle with corruption of the Republic of Tajikistan

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Seminar-meeting on AML/CFT/PWMDFP for the representatives of the Agency of State financial control and struggle with corruption of the Republic of Tajikistan

On April 19th, 2019 experts of Financial Monitoring Department of the National Bank of Tajikistan have held a seminar - meeting in the Agency of State financial control and struggle with corruption of the Republic of Tajikistan on application of digital currencies with a view of legalization of incomes received by criminal way (ML) at commitment of corruption crimes and interaction of the Department with Agency in sphere of revealing of ML cases.

It is necessary to note that seminar - meeting has been started with a welcome address o Abdujabborzoda Saidislom, Deputy Head of Organization of work and supervision Management of Agency and the representative of the Department. Presentation, containing information on cooperation between departments, has been presented to participants. In particular, it was pointed out that in the frame of cooperation with Agency ML cases are revealing that create bases for development of the National AML System.

During the meeting presentation on application of digital currencies with the view of AML were presented by experts of Department. The presentation has received positive responses of Agency’s employees, and has become a reason of occurrence of many interesting questions. Employees of the Department, having answered the questions of Agency’s representatives noted that the issue of application of digital currencies and supervision of such financial tools is considered as the important question internationally.

At the same time, also it has been noted that in cooperation the state bodies can reveal ML cases that in turn may become a base for the further perfection of National System on AML/CFT/PWMDFP. It has been also noted that the competent bodies are required to consider results of NRA of ML/FT at formation and realization of measures on AML/FT. At the end Abdujabborzoda S., having thanked representatives of Department for making of informative presentations, has noted that holding of the next meeting is necessary.

Financial Monitoring Department

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