Visit of Serba Dinamik Holding Berhad Company representatives to the National Bank of Tajikistan

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Visit of Serba Dinamik Holding Berhad Company representatives to the National Bank of Tajikistan

The issues of extension of bilateral cooperation in field of new technologies and prospects of its development were discussed at the meeting of Deputy Chairman of National Bank of Tajikistan Mrs. Mohbony Nakhatzoda with delegation of the Malaysian company Cerba Dinamik Holding Berhad led by the founder and CEO of the company Mr. Mohd Abdul Karim bin Abdullah, which was held on April 12, 2021.


At the beginning, the Deputy Chairman of National Bank of Tajikistan Mohbonu Nakhatzoda familiarized the guests with macroeconomic situation and banking system of the country, effective mechanism of monetary and foreign exchange policy implementation and creation of modern financial operations infrastructure and expressed the interest of NBT management in foreign and domestic investments to the country's banking system.


At the same time, the Deputy Chairman of National Bank of Tajikistan emphasized that today Tajikistan has created favorable conditions and a complete regulatory framework for attracting foreign direct investment to the country's banking sector, free and unimpeded activity of foreign investors. Mr. Mohd Abdul Karim bin Abdullah, in turn, thanked for the warm welcome and expressed interest in the establishment of digital banking and arranging export and import platform between ACEAN countries and Central Asia.

At the same time, he stressed that Serba Dinamik Holding Berhad Company along with strengthening business development is also ready to expand cooperation with banks of the Republic of Tajikistan for increasing non-cash settlements, thereby creating a favorable investment climate and support the country's banking system as well as promote the development of digital economy.


During the discussion of current issues, the parties stated that they will make every effort to expand cooperation in the banking system. Also the representative of Serba Dinamik Holding Berhad Company Mr. Mohd Fayzal bin Yusuf, Consultant of Serba Dinamik Holding Berhad Company Mr.Abdumajid Tilloev, experts of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan Ms.Umeda Akhmedova, Mr.Loiq Saidzoda and heads of a number of structural subdivisions of the National Bank of Tajikistan have attended the meeting.

It should be noted that Serba Dinamik Holding Berhad Company is one of the most developed and famous companies in Malaysia with more than 30 companies operating in 20 countries including Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, the United States and others in field of engineering, computer technology, construction of power plants, digital economy and etc.


Also, the Serba Dinamik Holding Berhad Company has participated in establishment of enterprise on production of caustic soda in the Republic of Uzbekistan, the cost of which has made more than USD 200 million and the company is one of the main contractors in the TAPI project of the Republic of Turkmenistan.

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